Mod loading Issue

I removed haks I no longer use. Removed the tiles / maps they used from the module, I ran the rebuild . Now when I load or test the game; it goes white while loading on the host menu and if I test the mod by using F9 is just gets to the char picking screen and the mod wont load and I cant play it at all. Any idea what is wrong or what do I do?
Any rebuild errors if you check all Missing Resources?
Any log errors when you try to play?
Worst case, export all the module files except module.ifo. Make a new module, import the files, then key in the Module Properties again. To simplify that, when a module is open in the toolset, you can simply copy its files from folder modules\temp0, or paste new files there (but then make some trivial change to the module and save it before closing, otherwise what you pasted will be lost).
1. Yes I used Module Properties to remove the haks
2. Rebuild errors and missing resources : Unsure how to check for rebuild errors and yes; on the missing resources. Do I remove them?
3. No Log errors, because I cant load the mod
I will try the "worst case" way as a last resort
If there are missing resources, as you say, try removing them before removing the haks from module properties.