My tiny quest mod (for oBG2, BGT, BG2EE and EET) now in english and russian

A long time ago, I did a quest mod. Much later, I discovered that the English translation of my mod existed in the BWP. It took me a long time, but finally my mod becomes independently available in English. But sorry, no read_me in English.
Basically, this mod makes you meet two protagonists: an ogre hiding somewhere and a merchant on the Waukyne promenade. Both have something in common. The quest starts by talking to the ogre.
Download it on Mediafire or Github.
update : v4 with Russian translation. I would like a Russian to try it and give me feedback because in my own language test I was not convinced.
Feel free to comment here, even if it's to say something bad.
Basically, this mod makes you meet two protagonists: an ogre hiding somewhere and a merchant on the Waukyne promenade. Both have something in common. The quest starts by talking to the ogre.
Download it on Mediafire or Github.
update : v4 with Russian translation. I would like a Russian to try it and give me feedback because in my own language test I was not convinced.
Feel free to comment here, even if it's to say something bad.
Post edited by deratiseur on
Is this mod EET compatible?
Since this mod is EET compatible, I request you ask the people on this thread to add it to the EET compatibility list. They're more likely to take the request seriously if the mod author mentions it.
I wonder why I bothered to make my own translations. I thought I had access to the whole world.... my ass.
Last I understood, jastey was in charge of maintaining the EET compatibility list. (Apologies if this info is mistaken.) Regardless, contact whoever's in charge of that EET list and have them add your EET compatible English mods.
Again and again the same request. It's annoying, in the end.
I have two good reasons to NOT put my mods on Github. Then I listen to you, state at least three good reasons to put my mods on Github.
2: With the code on GitHub, making release builds is simple. This way, people know what version is newest and safe to use, and if there's a problem with the latest release, maybe a previous release or the master branch will work. Similarly, it's easy to link from a forum post to a releases page of a GitHub repository without being concerned about if the version you linked is the most relevant: So long as it's a GitHub release, it counts. (Pre-release builds are possible to put onto the releases page with the special label of 'Pre-release' for those who feel bold enough to test something that may not be ready for public consumption.)
3: GitHub provides a place to store work in progress code on the master branch for security and portability. Thus, if your hard drive stops working or you're away from your main work computer but you're on another computer that can edit mods and you feel so inclined, you have ready access to this code.
4: Others you permit can make pull requests AKA merge requests, meaning others can contribute.
5: GitHub has had a reputation of professionalism. Not all professional quality code is on GitHub, and not all code on GitHub is professional quality, but it has a somewhat prestigious reputation, just like certain schools or institutions have more prestigious reputations than others.
6: GitHub has built-in tools to track code changes.
7: GitHub has a built-in issues section for feedback and dialog where each topic can individually be marked as solved/complete/closed.
8: GitHub has been proven as a safe and reliable place for code storage for the Infinity Engine modding community for many years now. The oldest IE modding-related repository that I know of off-hand is this outdated Tales of Anegh (ToA) one, though jastey's version of ToA was still last updated about 5 years ago as of this writing.
9: GitHub has an international presence and a standard interface. IE modders from America, France, Germany, Poland, and elsewhere have used it successfully. If, for example, I want to download a mod from a German forum - even if it has an English translation - I may not know what to download. With Google Translate, I can better understand what's there, but that's an extra step that may not work. With GitHub, I know where the Releases section and Master branch download buttons are and can quickly and reliably get the code.
10: GitHub has plenty of tutorials on how to use it. I made these GitHub tutorials for Austin when he was hesitant to use GitHub, and these were helpful in making him familiar and comfortable enough with GitHub to use it frequently. If you'd prefer to use other tutorials, go ahead.
11: Assuming you make one repository (repo) per mod of yours, it's easy for users to check what mods you made and download those instead of having to navigate forums and Google results which sometimes requires more time & effort than needed.
12: Project Infinity (PI) has direct download capabilities with connected GitHub repositories, including checking install orders against GitHub mods on hand and downloading missing mods from supported GitHub repos. To use your own repo, coordinate with AL|EN, the one in charge of PI. To use the repo of Spellhold Studios (SHS) or Gibberlings3 (G3), coordinate with whoever's in charge of those.
13: Some other reason of your choosing. This is a thorough list, but I don't claim it to be exhaustive.
Concerning what I was told one day: "files on mediafire are automatically deleted after a while" -> wrong, my files have been there for years without problems.
You come across a non-existent file -> You are trying to download something I deleted myself, probably an older version that is no longer up to date. Go to the updated version and the download will be ok.
3: I have a .bat file that automatically copies my entire working directory (replacing all modified files) to an external hard drive when I turn off my pc. This will ALSO help me if my programming PC crashes. But hey, ok, half a good point for Github.
Note: to do this, github must create a permanent link to the HD on my work computer.
Permanent link between Github and hard drives? Woohoo, when the hackers will have understood how to get through there to access the moders' pcs, I wouldn't be in. +1 bad point for Github.
4: Don't serve me. People want to translate it? correct the mistakes? Ok, he contacts me, I don't let them work directly on the code: And if they do me a bad job? I would always prefer to check BEFORE integration.
5: That's what all these "you should go to Github" requests are about. Well no, I'm not "conventional", I don't do "like everyone else just to be in the norm". "Prestige"? Prestige for me will be when my mods in english will be indexed on the existing mods lists.
7: I didn't find this on github when I wanted to report a bug on a module. It will never be as easy to access as a forum.
8: Look at 1. et 3.
9: On all forums, in all languages, "here is my new module -> link to mediafire, a big "download" button. "here is my new module -> link to github, a tree to browse or a button to "master" in which there is no weidu.exe". A point for Mediafire.
No matter what language, it will always be an announcement/introduction and a link anyway. Only the target of the link matters. and Github does NOT offer something super easy to download.
10: I have to admit, I'm an idiot. I had my Github moment (for 11), I crammed myself with tutorials, but I didn't get anywhere (I didn't persevere when I had to create directories on my HD, what a mess in my organization! and long live the access to hackers)
11: This is ONE good point for Githbub. Having access to all my mods by downloading any of them, it interests me. That's why 10.
12: Project Infinity? In France we use BWP-FR, which supports very well files from Mediafire or elsewhere. Project Infinity seems to me quite restrictive.
Summary :
Github is a gas factory that needs tutorials to be used. (even for those who just want to download to some poorly made repos).
Github claims to facilitate dialogue between modders and users. Bullshit. And it will never be as simple as a forum.
Github creates a link in it and my hard drive -> between internet and my pc. Open door to smart hackers.
If i just should go to Github to do "like everyone else": no, not for me.
GitHub? Still up.
From what I can tell, this mod is EET compatible. I asked this last year and just checked the .TP2 file.