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Black pits 2 Greater clay golem keeps dividing bug?

Hello, trying to kill this thing on legacy on bhaal without sorcerer on anyone who can wield the antigolem staff. The problem is small golems keep spawning forever and overwhelm me. Is this a bug or was intended on LoB difficulty, has anybody encountered this? And can I do anything to him now or its over?


  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,044
    Now that's ridiculous--the clay golem script, ohbt302.bcs, says that if the creature's level is greater than 25 when it dies to spawn 5 copies of itself. This same script is being used by the copies of the golem, so if you are LoB this should result in infinite clay golems. I would edit the script.

    To date, I have not touched Black Pits 2. If--when--I do, I will edit this script.
  • MugenMugen Member Posts: 15
    Now that's ridiculous--the clay golem script, ohbt302.bcs, says that if the creature's level is greater than 25 when it dies to spawn 5 copies of itself. This same script is being used by the copies of the golem, so if you are LoB this should result in infinite clay golems. I would edit the script.

    To date, I have not touched Black Pits 2. If--when--I do, I will edit this script.

    can you tell please the script location? I cant find it in .BCS folder in nearinfinity
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,938
    The creatures here are ohbgol01, ohbgol02, and ohbgol03. Levels 26, 11, and 9 respectively. Before the LoB modifier, anyway.
    The relevant script is OHB_T302, shared by all three creatures in the "class script" slot. The first two blocks are the relevant part.
    First block: if level >25, create five copies of ohbgol02 on death. This one applies to ohbgol01 ("Greater Clay Golem"), and LoB doesn't change that.
    Second block: if level <26 and level >10, create two copies of ohbgol03 on death. This one is supposed to only apply to ohbgol02 ("Clay Golem"), but improperly also applies to ohbgol03 ("Lesser Clay Golem") with the LoB modifier.

    The weird loophole ... none of these enemies are immune to level drain. Which, if you could find a way to apply it, would break the encounter and theoretically give you a chance to win without ever having the golem split. And if nothing else, the spell "Energy Drain" is available - no save, no MR, drain two levels.

    Obviously, the best fix is to split that shared script into three versions. The greater golem gets the first block with its level check removed, the regular golem gets the second block with its level check removed, and the lesser golem doesn't get either of the first two blocks. And the rest of the script goes into all three versions.

    This has already been reported to the EE fixpack, and should have a solution there once that mod comes out.
  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,044
    What @jmerry said--all the questions answered there.
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