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Thoughts on Some Edits

Hey there, everyone. Just wanted to make a post and see what the community in general thought about a tiny, tiny handful of modified files I'm using for my next run through. I'm going to play a CHARNAME Blade and I'm not really the power-gamey type so I'm avoiding a lot of the cheese methods or usual stuff.

However, I am planning on using Kundane and Belm as my Bard's weapons to give him more APR. So my handful of edits are:

Kundane and Belm are now default +3 enchantment and damage/THAC0 bonus.

Wizard Spell: Enchanted Weapon adjusted to now turn whatever weapon is enchanted into +5 enchantment level for those pesky ToB enemies or the few +4 requirements, that way my Blade can learn that spell and have it on hand as an 'Oh better enchant myself' when those situations arise instead of having to use weapons I don't really want to use just because of enchantment levels.


  • KhyronKhyron Member Posts: 639
    I say suck it up and use Scarlet Ninja-to + whatever hurts the most in main hand, like everybody else :P

    Play on core rules where you actually have to roll your damage and suddenly offensive spin is worth something later on.
    Rolling max damage by default on lower difficulties really hurt kits like Kensai and Blade
  • ArcnNKDArcnNKD Member Posts: 28
    Khyron wrote: »
    I say suck it up and use Scarlet Ninja-to + whatever hurts the most in main hand, like everybody else :P

    Play on core rules where you actually have to roll your damage and suddenly offensive spin is worth something later on.
    Rolling max damage by default on lower difficulties really hurt kits like Kensai and Blade

    Lol XD but I hate abusing UAI. XD

    I play mostly on Normal difficulty but my damage rolls aren't constantly at max? I've seen them vary from strike to strike.

    For extra 'omg noob' flavor I modified Undead Slayer to give charm/domination immunity too so it had just a little something more going for it outside mostly bg2 content lol
  • KhyronKhyron Member Posts: 639
    edited July 2022
    Undead Hunter is already a beast in BG1 and BG2.. especially with the immunity to level drain and Hold/Paralyze.
    Immunity to Hold/Paralyze is awesome even well into ToB as you can largely ignore any need for Freedom of Movement.
    Charm/Domination seems strange to feel a need to cheat in, with Chaotic Commands being so easily available (every single one of the Vanilla romance options could cast it, for instance.. except maybe Jaheira, can't remember if Druid has that.)

    Off the top of my head I would say that top 5 straightforward singleclass warrior in the entire saga is Berserker, Inquisitor, Cavalier, Blackguard and UH - in no particular order, but given the nature of your enemies then Berserker and Inq kinda have more relevant powers in the hardest fights.

    I find it odd that using UAI for what it's worth, a tool given by the Devs, is somehow worse than outright cheating lol, but to each their own.

    Keep in mind that UAI in ADnD2.5 can't be compared to Use Magic Device in 5E.
    Even Neverwinter Nights that follows 3.5 had UMD override class restrictions etc.

    The game is yours to edit however you see fit, but the edits mentioned just seem kind of misplaced is all :D

    Normal may have rolled damage, i can't remember anymore.. i've been playing on core rules or higher for too many years.
    Perhaps normal had like minimum 50% player damage? Heck i can't remember.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,938
    edited July 2022
    I did a mod slightly improving undead hunters as a request, and later included it in my tweak mod. But that wasn't charm immunity. It was boosted Turn Undead, to a level equivalent to a single-class cleric of the same experience (countering both the paladin's -2 relative to clerics of the same level and the paladin's slower leveling).

    Damage rolls are as listed on normal and above. Easy difficulty gives the party +6 luck, which means that most weapon damage rolls are maximized and most spell damage you take is minimized.
    The player does take slightly reduced damage on normal difficulty, unless you use the "no damage changes from difficulty" option.
  • ArcnNKDArcnNKD Member Posts: 28
    Khyron wrote: »
    Undead Hunter is already a beast in BG1 and BG2.. especially with the immunity to level drain and Hold/Paralyze.


    I find it odd that using UAI for what it's worth, a tool given by the Devs, is somehow worse than outright cheating lol, but to each their own.

    Lol I guess it's more so because it is SO abused and used over and over and over in every. single. thief/bard build. ever. that I am just tired of seeing it and don't even want to bother with it. Yes, it is an option given to us - but I don't like to be shoehorned into one particular playstyle (UAI + Crom/etc.) just for playing a particular class.

    Plus, I like more of the 'rp' aspect of the game than the power-gaming side. So, my bard would want to find his specific set of weapons (kundane and belm) and use those until the end of the game (since there are no +APR improvements to replace them, unlike normal +X weapons) --- but they needed to be at least +3 to deal with normal enemies and most of the bg2 early-mid bosses; and I opted to boost the spell so that my bard wasn't sitting on his hands while his party did all the work on the +4 bosses or +5 rarities. Otherwise it was back to UAI-Crom/etc. in main with Belm or Kundane in off-hand cookie-cutter nature.

    As for the Undead Hunter - it was primarily due to them having not much really going for them if they were not facing undead. Hold and Level Drain are very specific types of cases, moreso the Level Drain -- and Vampires, from what I could remember from fighting in Bodhi's lair, are also capable of charm/domination and I think confusion and it doesn't make sense to me that a Undead specialist would be susceptible to that aspect of the undead but not the other -- so that's why I gave them the charm/dom immunity; and they would get mileage out of it from the other magic situations throughout the game that attempt to use such effects.

    Because the Cavalier, for example, gets immunity to poison - which is used by SO many things throughout BG1 and a little less in BG2; and they have much more generalized immunities like fear or morale failure, instead of being forced to only be useful against dragons/demons. I only remember 2 areas of BG1 that had undead and that was are farm and I think some ruins. Otherwise, the Undead Hunter wasn't getting any mileage from their +3 bonus or their immunities for that matter (except maybe Hold).

    All in all though - it's all proving irritatingly difficult to stick with when it bothers me not being some form of Thief on my CHARNAME so that I can deal with locks and traps without having to switch off my 'party leader' XDD
    jmerry wrote: »
    I did a mod slightly improving undead hunters as a request, and later included it in my tweak mod. But that wasn't charm immunity. It was boosted Turn Undead, to a level equivalent to a single-class cleric of the same experience (countering both the paladin's -2 relative to clerics of the same level and the paladin's slower leveling).

    Damage rolls are as listed on normal and above. Easy difficulty gives the party +6 luck, which means that most weapon damage rolls are maximized and most spell damage you take is minimized.
    The player does take slightly reduced damage on normal difficulty, unless you use the "no damage changes from difficulty" option.

    That's an interesting modification!

    And yes, Normal difficulty was only 25% less damage from enemies; HP rolls are maximum (which is irrelevant because I use the tweaks pack that maximizes those rolls anyway, but damage was rolled normally. It also prevent party members from dying permanently.
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