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People who've had 0 issues with Baldurs Gate Enhanced Edition

I just wanted to create a forum about how wonderful the game is and has had 0 issues with it because there's too many people bashing such a wonderful update to the game. I have not experienced any of issues stated in previous forums. I'm running Windows 8 32 bit with an Intel I7, Nvidia 9800 GTX, 12 Gigs of ram (wasted because 32 bit doesn't use it until I switch to 64 bit), and Asus motherboard.


  • WanderonWanderon Member Posts: 1,418
    I have had no issues thus far and for the most part the game has met all my expectations - to me it was well worth the cost just to be able to load & play the game on new higher res puter without a laundry list of mods in specific order to accomplish it which also make changes to the original to the mod makers taste (which might not be to mine)

    Good job so far IMO
  • BillBill Member Posts: 18
    No issues yet, other than my own foolishness in not saving the game.

    I ran out of time to play though, and did not get far yet.

    Moving and my pc will not be useable as quickly as I would like to get my game fix.
  • colonel_burgercolonel_burger Member Posts: 279
    I am not experiencing the major hardware issues, however I have encountered many bugs and glitches. I'm compiling a list, and will put them up for the devs to investigate once I've done my playthrough.

    Loving it though!
  • FelixFelix Member Posts: 39
    I have had 0 issues with the game. Downloaded just fine (very quickly actually) Ive only played about 3 hours or so but so far im very impressed. Money well spent:)
  • MikePXPMikePXP Member Posts: 54
    I've had a couple bugs (Rasaad dialog loop and 1 other tutuorial quest bug) but other than that I'm loving playing through this again and the new content is nice. I'm not having any hardware issues at all. I'm happy.
  • VittordeVittoVittordeVitto Member Posts: 225

    I just wanted to create a forum about how wonderful the game is and has had 0 issues with it because there's too many people bashing such a wonderful update to the game. I have not experienced any of issues stated in previous forums. I'm running Windows 8 32 bit with an Intel I7, Nvidia 9800 GTX, 12 Gigs of ram (wasted because 32 bit doesn't use it until I switch to 64 bit), and Asus motherboard.

    Awesome computer, i guess i need more 4 Gigs of ram. I'm sure that with just 8 i can't handle this game.
  • MikePXPMikePXP Member Posts: 54
    I only have 8 gigs of ram and it runs fine for me.
  • EdgedyEdgedy Member Posts: 13
    Works great, I crashed on a map loading but it autosaved before it happened. GG.
  • sledgefangsledgefang Member Posts: 42
    Awesome. I believe the bugs may be more with the setup of the computers and the programs in the computer than the actual game.
  • sledgefangsledgefang Member Posts: 42
    Bill said:

    No issues yet, other than my own foolishness in not saving the game.

    I ran out of time to play though, and did not get far yet.

    Moving and my pc will not be useable as quickly as I would like to get my game fix.

    Heh, can't say how many times that has happened to me all my life. I always try to remember to create multiple saves.
  • PairdicePairdice Member Posts: 15
    I had trouble recruiting Shar-Teel. She killed one character (KAGAIN), then immediately challenged another. The second (CHARNAME) beat her, she joined the party, but was completely unresponsive to any commands.

    I put Dorn and Shar-Teel on Fighter 2 scripts and they both kept trying to stealth.

    I have not encountered any game breaking bugs though.
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