Multi-class Barbarian/Thief with EEkeeper help

in BG:EE Mods
So I'm looking to make a Dwarf Barbarian/Thief with assistance from EEkeeper and I've got most of it figured out. The one problem is my hit dice should be 9 (12+6/2) but no matter what values I enter into EEkeeper my character seems to be locked at 8 hit dice in-game.
Is there a trick to changing hit dice with EEkeeper or is it simply impossible? Thanks for any help you can provide.
Is there a trick to changing hit dice with EEkeeper or is it simply impossible? Thanks for any help you can provide.
So a dwarven defender/cleric gets their defensive stances and bonus physical resistance, but not the extra HP. A swashbuckler/mage gets their attack/damage bonus and full backstabs but can't specialize in melee weapons.
You can simulate it with other tricks (want extra HP? Just add it every time you gain a fighter level up to level 9), but what you're looking at simply won't work in the engine.
I'm also trying to make an evil Archer via editing a Fighter but it seems like just being evil makes characters lose their Ranger abilities? I'm trying to get Called Shot specifically on a an evil character, but it seems like I can't even make it happen by editing a save.
Are you on a PC (it seems like it)? There's a mod for that