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Multi-class Barbarian/Thief with EEkeeper help

TMNTextremeTMNTextreme Member Posts: 6
So I'm looking to make a Dwarf Barbarian/Thief with assistance from EEkeeper and I've got most of it figured out. The one problem is my hit dice should be 9 (12+6/2) but no matter what values I enter into EEkeeper my character seems to be locked at 8 hit dice in-game.

Is there a trick to changing hit dice with EEkeeper or is it simply impossible? Thanks for any help you can provide.


  • TMNTextremeTMNTextreme Member Posts: 6
    I tried to make a Dwarven Defender/Cleric and I have the same problem, should have 10 base hp (12+8/2) but instead I'm stuck at 9.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,962
    Kitted multiclasses use the kit's ability table (CLAB) if that kit matches one of the base classes. They don't use the kit's tables for other things like proficiency caps, hit points, thief skill progression, backstabs, and high-level abilities - all of that just uses the base class or the base multiclass. If a kit differs from the base class in one or more of those other factors, it won't work properly in a multiclass.
    So a dwarven defender/cleric gets their defensive stances and bonus physical resistance, but not the extra HP. A swashbuckler/mage gets their attack/damage bonus and full backstabs but can't specialize in melee weapons.

    You can simulate it with other tricks (want extra HP? Just add it every time you gain a fighter level up to level 9), but what you're looking at simply won't work in the engine.
  • TMNTextremeTMNTextreme Member Posts: 6
    Thanks for the reply! All of that makes sense and I can totally edit a save to fix the hp, I was just hoping for something on the character-file level.

    I'm also trying to make an evil Archer via editing a Fighter but it seems like just being evil makes characters lose their Ranger abilities? I'm trying to get Called Shot specifically on a an evil character, but it seems like I can't even make it happen by editing a save.
  • masteralephmasteraleph Member Posts: 277
    Thanks for the reply! All of that makes sense and I can totally edit a save to fix the hp, I was just hoping for something on the character-file level.

    I'm also trying to make an evil Archer via editing a Fighter but it seems like just being evil makes characters lose their Ranger abilities? I'm trying to get Called Shot specifically on a an evil character, but it seems like I can't even make it happen by editing a save.

    Are you on a PC (it seems like it)? There's a mod for that
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