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Shapeshifter really good!

So I'm playing a shapeshifter for the first time and so far its been pretty nice. When I'm shapeshifted I have an armor class of -9 so I don't take that many hits, and with Dorn and Kagian choping away it's been pretty easy so far. Anyone else who's tried shifter? Is it as good in BG2 or does it become worse with levels as the enemies grow tougher?


  • ScofieldScofield Member Posts: 119
    Are you saying it has been fixed in BGEE? I've tried to play a Shapeshifter in BG2 before but it was so buggy I had to give up on it. There was this dispel paws bug, plus you couldn't really hit anyone after a certain level.
  • Don't really know much about how it was in BG2, all I know is that I'm level 3 with an armor class of -9 which is pretty awesome, and the werewolf form doesn't have a timer so I'm pretty much a werewolf constantly, chaning back only to heal the party.
  • Sorry -3, hell of a difference, must have had a spell up or something before. Still, its been great fun.
  • ScofieldScofield Member Posts: 119
    Yea, actually I was gonna say that the -9 AC must have been a bug, because you don't suppose to have that. At level one (just created one) you have -1 AC when in werewolf form and that seems correct.
  • But I do more damage than Dorn, +9.
  • ScofieldScofield Member Posts: 119
    edited November 2012
    Maybe it's not that useless of a kit after all, at least not in BGEE. In BG2 it wasn't that great, but again it was full of bugs. If the devs fix those bugs, Shapeshifter is indeed a fun kit to play. I'm thinking of rolling a really EVIL one in the future as well.
  • AndtalathAndtalath Member Posts: 23
    Druids can only be true neutral.
    And, Shifter get the full werewolf kit advantages at level 1, barring extra uses per day (who cares?) and ultimate form on level 13 (well, they have wait for SOMETHING I guess?).

    They are decent but they don't scale at all, especially not with magical weapons.

    And, yeah, they where severely buggy/nerfed in BGII.
  • ScofieldScofield Member Posts: 119
    @Andtalath What I meant by being "really evil" is playing it in an evil way. I've never played BG with an evil party before, so I though giving it a try in the future with a beast like a werewolf would be a worthy adventure to try.
  • dtaquetdtaquet Member Posts: 25
    In other words, the shapeshifter still cannot become a true, full fledge werewolf?
  • It seems to be bugged. If I change, sleep, turn to human and change again it drops to -6, repeat and it drops to -9
  • It can be repeated indefeniatly, I'm at -18 now. How do you post screenshots?
  • ScofieldScofield Member Posts: 119

    Upload your picture to an image hosting site like this and there you should see the link (when the pic is uploaded) that you need to copy here to post the picture.

    Btw, this should be reported in the BGEE bug report section.
  • ScofieldScofield Member Posts: 119
    @GhanMightyBarbarian Well as far as I know, the values shown in those shield, sun, star and circle shapes are buggy as of now. Nonetheless, this should be reported.
  • Ah well, buggy or not, it's awesome to run around like a big manwolf, funny that noone seems to care :D
  • RavenXRavenX Member Posts: 86
    How do you get Dorn to join early on? I run into him at the Friendly Arm In but he won't join up, and I'm playing as a Lawful Evil mage.
  • VissiousVissious Member Posts: 53
    It's been confirmed than any and all bugs present within this (utterly awesome) kit when it was introduced in BG2 are also present in BG:EE. And it had a lot. For example:

    -Claws were meant to scale in damage and count as magical weapons (+1 in lesser form, +3 in greater). They do no such thing.
    -Transforming whilst equipped with a weapon that you are proficient in will, on occasion, lock that weapon into your weapon slot and add its prof. bonus to your claw attacks. (It shouldn't).
    -You're supposed to have varying degrees of magic resistance depending on your form, and although it will be listed on your record that you do, it's not actually there in-game.
    -Most of the upgrades that greater form was supposed to grant you were not implemented, inclusing (iirc) the HP regen for havong a CON of 25.

    In short, lesser form should be fine for BG1/EE until you hit the end-game or run into monsters with immunity to normal weapons, but beyond that point the class becomes so crippled with bugs it's unplayable, which is a massive, massive shame.
  • DinsdalePiranhaDinsdalePiranha Member Posts: 419
    how much damage the werewolf form does, exactly? what's on the char page seems rather... low.
  • VissiousVissious Member Posts: 53
    It's not bad. But it's not great, either. It's roughly aound D6 +1 claw attack (non-magical) +7 from having strength 19.

    However, you get 2 attacks per round as standard and a THAC0 comparable to a ranger, so whilst you won't be landing any one-shot blows, you will put out a respectable amount of damage over the course of an encounter.
  • mrstevomanmrstevoman Member Posts: 7
    I'm playing this as my first go as well and like it. Sad to hear it's so buggy down the road. Mines a sexy werewoman =)
  • Thats a shame, hope they fix it for BG2 EE otherwise I'll be slightly upset. It's not like I'm playing it because I like druids (quite the opposite infact) but because frikkin' werewolfs. Wanna go all Underworld in BG 2 and mangle vampires as a werewolf!
  • "-You're supposed to have varying degrees of magic resistance depending on your form, and although it will be listed on your record that you do, it's not actually there in-game." this is actually present, I sweeped through the web traps and have dodge a few spells as a werewolf.
  • wissenschaftwissenschaft Member Posts: 229
    Isn't there a mod to fix the Shapeshifter kit? If not then one needs to be made. It really should have been made for BG:EE. I guess people just forgot to mention this broken kit as a bug that needs to be fixed.
  • KurumiKurumi Member Posts: 520
    edited November 2012
    For BG2 there is a mod that fixed it.. - I guess it will not take long until it will be converted for BGEE :) !!!
  • DinsdalePiranhaDinsdalePiranha Member Posts: 419
    @Kurumi: it already is, see mod compatibility thread.
  • KurumiKurumi Member Posts: 520
    Cool :) - thanks for the hint!
  • wissenschaftwissenschaft Member Posts: 229
    The Shapeshifter Rebalancing part of the mod adds extra unnecessary modifications besides just fixing whats bugged about the Kit. I'd prefer a fix that just makes the kit work as intended without adding anything knew.
  • VissiousVissious Member Posts: 53
    Yes, same here; the fix presented here also comes with new abilities and buffed stats, as the creator of the mod was balancing the kit against community-created campaigns that are much more difficult than anything present in the vanilla game. I tried him, and whilst it was fun to solo the underdark without having to heal once, even I could see that it was too op.

    It's been hinted at that, somewhere down the road, some of the kits may be patched and tweaked in an effort to finaly fix them for BG:EE. That's not been confirmed, however.
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