Shapeshifter really good!

So I'm playing a shapeshifter for the first time and so far its been pretty nice. When I'm shapeshifted I have an armor class of -9 so I don't take that many hits, and with Dorn and Kagian choping away it's been pretty easy so far. Anyone else who's tried shifter? Is it as good in BG2 or does it become worse with levels as the enemies grow tougher?
And, Shifter get the full werewolf kit advantages at level 1, barring extra uses per day (who cares?) and ultimate form on level 13 (well, they have wait for SOMETHING I guess?).
They are decent but they don't scale at all, especially not with magical weapons.
And, yeah, they where severely buggy/nerfed in BGII.
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Btw, this should be reported in the BGEE bug report section.
-Claws were meant to scale in damage and count as magical weapons (+1 in lesser form, +3 in greater). They do no such thing.
-Transforming whilst equipped with a weapon that you are proficient in will, on occasion, lock that weapon into your weapon slot and add its prof. bonus to your claw attacks. (It shouldn't).
-You're supposed to have varying degrees of magic resistance depending on your form, and although it will be listed on your record that you do, it's not actually there in-game.
-Most of the upgrades that greater form was supposed to grant you were not implemented, inclusing (iirc) the HP regen for havong a CON of 25.
In short, lesser form should be fine for BG1/EE until you hit the end-game or run into monsters with immunity to normal weapons, but beyond that point the class becomes so crippled with bugs it's unplayable, which is a massive, massive shame.
However, you get 2 attacks per round as standard and a THAC0 comparable to a ranger, so whilst you won't be landing any one-shot blows, you will put out a respectable amount of damage over the course of an encounter.
It's been hinted at that, somewhere down the road, some of the kits may be patched and tweaked in an effort to finaly fix them for BG:EE. That's not been confirmed, however.