Need help finding an ideal PW for me

Ok, I'm starting to think that I will not find what I'm looking for, but maybe I can get close enough.
I'm looking for a PW that:
- Is lvl 1-40
- Has NO resting restriction, other than the default ones (enemies nearby, etc.)
- Has armor/weapon visuals customizations like CEP. Would really love to have that "lightsaber" like sword visual (no blade and sonic effect).
That's basically it. I don't mind it being pure Action, pure RP, or both. Also would like it to not deviate much from D&D/NWN rules. For example, no spells with 3000 damage and +200 items. On the other hand, would be nice to have regular xp rewards, and not waste 5 hours playing, killing hundreds of monsters to get 400 xp.
I know I am asking too much, but let's see which fits better. The only one I found that is closer is Bastion of Peace, but it doesn't have weapons visuals customization more than the default ones..
I'm looking for a PW that:
- Is lvl 1-40
- Has NO resting restriction, other than the default ones (enemies nearby, etc.)
- Has armor/weapon visuals customizations like CEP. Would really love to have that "lightsaber" like sword visual (no blade and sonic effect).
That's basically it. I don't mind it being pure Action, pure RP, or both. Also would like it to not deviate much from D&D/NWN rules. For example, no spells with 3000 damage and +200 items. On the other hand, would be nice to have regular xp rewards, and not waste 5 hours playing, killing hundreds of monsters to get 400 xp.
I know I am asking too much, but let's see which fits better. The only one I found that is closer is Bastion of Peace, but it doesn't have weapons visuals customization more than the default ones..
I'm not sure if you've given Forgotten Realms Cormyr a try but we are a 1-40 server. We are also an RP server that has a good bit to offer in terms of adventure in traditional dnd fashion.
As far as can rest every 3 game time hours. Restable areas include inns and wilderness areas if you have a tent or bed roll, and certain designated areas in dungeons too. Probably a deal breaker given what you said what you were looking for but just throwing it out there.
As far as CEP content we do have quite a few options as well as per part coloring options(for instance you can make the left glove look completely different from the right glove color wise while using the same model). We don't allow lightsabers but there are are items you can get in game that will change the looks of flame weapon/dark fire to place that effect and VFX on the chosen weapon. Other weapon CEP options are available too but usually not the glowy ones unless the item was given as a DM reward.
Some of our spells have been changed, particularly the damage spells but nothing crazy like 3000 damage. An example would be Fireball that normally caps out at 10d6 now scales up to 15d6 to allow for some more caster level growth. There are other various changes as well all with fixed spell descriptions in game so any changes we've made actually match what the spell does. Several of the damage spells were buffed in this manner to somewhat incentivize using offensive spells and those wanting to RP evokers rather than the spells capping out so early on and not being as useful as buffs. Buffs will always be the most popular choice for most casters but now if someone wants to throw fireballs or chain lightning at least those spells are a little more worth the casters while.
When it comes to XP awards, DM's do try to hand these out when we're present and we see RP happening. There are also plenty of places you can wander off to just to have some fun with a group or even solo and earn some XP that way. In terms of progression, we do tend to be more middle of the road but it varies depending on how familiar someone is with the server as well as what class they're playing. At some point we do have plans to put a scripted XP ticker of sorts into the module although the details of this are still being discussed and worked out.
Anyhow, I realize a lot of this isn't what you said you're looking for but if you're looking for a fun new community consider stopping by and RP'ing with us sometime. We have a lot more content and plans in the works as well.
A couple more features we have as well as content coming in the next big update...
- Subdual mode for pvp
- Different fighting stances
...and coming in the next update...
- Player housing (scripted so you can actually set the placeables yourself and design your own pad in game)
- Customized crafting system (custom scripted windows containing recipes and mats required)
If you have any interest in giving us a try or if you have any questions we can be found on our forums at and we're on discord as well: