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Dual Scimitars?

I don't remember a lot about how the Weapon Prof. works in this game.

I mean, there are the prof. for the various weapons (Short Sword, Mace, Club...) that can go from 1 * to 5 * (only Fighters can go up to 5) and then there are the prof. for the combat styles (One Hand, Two Hands...).

If I'm a Druid/Fighter, should I put all the possible prof. on Scimitars (going up to 5 *) and Two Weapons (up to the maximum possible)?

Or there are better weapons choices to pick in BGEE and, thinking about the future, in BG2EE?

That was kinda confusing, sorry about that.


P.S.: there are a couple of interesting Scimitars in this game, a Defending one and a Frost one... :P


  • SublimeBWSublimeBW Member Posts: 42
    edited November 2012
    duergar85 said:

    P.S.: there are a couple of interesting Scimitars in this game, a Defending one and a Frost one... :P

    I was having the same idea except with a Blade/?? not a Druid/Fighter. I haven't had much time to play though and just made it out of CK so I don't know how function the idea will be until you can "acquire" such fine weapons. If I recall there wasn't much early on for scimitars and I know that if you do the tutorial you can start the game with a +1 Long sword but I find Long swords a bit on the unflashy side for my role playing.
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    Only pure fighters (with or without a kit) can progress up to 5 pips in a weapon. Any other combination of classes which involves Fighter can only put two pips in a weapon.

    So for your Fighter/Druid you have options due to the limitation of where you can allocate your weapon proficiencies.
  • duergar85duergar85 Member Posts: 24
    Well, if you are a Blade you can't Dual at all...

    Are you sure that I can't go to 3 or 4 pips? Maybe I remember it wrong, not sure...
  • SublimeBWSublimeBW Member Posts: 42
    I thought blades had the ability to put 3 pips into dual wield. Maybe I read it wrong, I was a bit tired when I started playing last night.
  • duergar85duergar85 Member Posts: 24
    No, sorry, I mean that you can't Dual-Class with a Blade... :D
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    Blades can dual-wield so you are okay there.

    Fighter multiclasses can only go to specialised in any weapon. I'm not 100% sure about dual-wielding in BGEE, I think they can get to 3 pips in that. That's a weapon style rather than a weapon.
  • SublimeBWSublimeBW Member Posts: 42
    Huh, I thought Humans could dual class with a kit as long as it was with the first class. O well. I was thinking about starting over when I remembered that the bard song doesn't level thoughout the game.
  • duergar85duergar85 Member Posts: 24
    Yes, humans can Dual with a Kit, the problem is that there is no Bard/Anything multiclass choice and so there is no way you can Dual it.
  • SublimeBWSublimeBW Member Posts: 42
    Looks like I will be reading the manual while I am at work today. Thought I remembered enough of the game play to for go it. Guess playing NWN2 a ton leading up to the release really tainted/altered my AD&D rule memory (I know that NWN2 doesn't use AD&D 2 rules).
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    Yep, Bards cannot dual-class. They can however dual-wield which I think is causing some misunderstandings :D

    So for your Fighter/Druid - this is going to be a dual-class build rather than a multi-class (you didn't specify)?

    In that case you are correct, you can take as many weapon pips as you can cram into your fighter levels - however you need to be aware that level 1 fighters can only put 2 pips in any weapon at level 1 (preventing level 1 grand masters).
  • duergar85duergar85 Member Posts: 24
    Yep, but my Dual-classed Shapeshifter/Fighter starts as a Druid and then switches to Fighter, so I could put 1 pip in Two-Weapons and Scimitars at level 1 and then cram all the pips I can in them when I Dual.

    Then I can steal two Scimitars from a certain Good NPC... :P
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    That'll work.

    If you are playing a shapeshifter why do you can about two weapon fighting?
  • duergar85duergar85 Member Posts: 24
    Because the bonus of the weapons influence the Were-form and dual-wielding means TWO different bonus insted of just one. Also, when the Were-form become too weak I can still kick asses with a huge amount of attacks.
  • TJ_HookerTJ_Hooker Member Posts: 2,438
    duergar85 said:

    Because the bonus of the weapons influence the Were-form and dual-wielding means TWO different bonus insted of just one. Also, when the Were-form become too weak I can still kick asses with a huge amount of attacks.

    Are you sure you retain weapon bonuses when shapeshifted? I know you retain weapons style bonuses (I think shapeshifted attacks are considered single weapons, meaning that you would get advantages from single weapon style).
  • duergar85duergar85 Member Posts: 24
    edited November 2012
    I am pretty sure that +THAC0, +CA and Elemental damage remains when shapeshifted.
    I should be plenty of pips to put some of them to Single weapon style as well, if the fangs are considered as Single weapons.

    EDIT: Single Weapon Style is needed, I will get more AC and Criticals for the Paws as well. Two Weapon Style is for the future, when the Paws sucks. :P
    Post edited by duergar85 on
  • DinsdalePiranhaDinsdalePiranha Member Posts: 419
    fighter 3 -> druid can achieve grandmastery, though not the best for BG2EE, also, requires ridiculous stats to do so. (15 str, 17 wis, 17(!!!) cha)
    apparently, there is a new +2 scimitar (, and there was already one at Durlag's Tower's... roof I guess? so yeah, way more than worthwhile. in BG2, scimitars were pretty damn strong, especially in the hands of a fighter-thief (or FMT), they could dual wield both which gave extra attacks.
  • duergar85duergar85 Member Posts: 24
    Druid -> Fighter can achieve Grand Mastery as well (if not here, surely in BG2EE).
    The only Stat I need (except the Druid ones that are "included") is simply Strength.

    Excellent Scimitar news! :)
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