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Can a caster be scripted to perform actions during Time Stop?

Is there a way (via scripting) to have a character cast Time Stop and then carry out actions while the Time Stop spell is active?

So far, my attempts have just resulted in the character standing there, doing nothing until after the Time Stop spell ends.

The NWN Lexicon page for "EffectTimeStop" indicates "If it is the caster it will execute things as normal (so the AI can act during it)", so I'm hoping that this is possible.


  • TerrorbleTerrorble Member Posts: 185
    So, I don't know exactly how vanilla Time Stop works - other than it would stop time for everyone on an entire server every time it was cast anywhere, and therefore, usually rescripted.

    What I'm familiar with is having the spell cycle thru every creature object in the area and applying immunity to all damage types and CutSceneParalyze() effect (except the caster, of course).

    This allows the caster to do whatever they like, but they can't hurt anyone. AI casters don't utilize this method well because they continue to cast spells damage spells that can't do any damage.
  • ForSeriousForSerious Member Posts: 494
    The server I played on would let the caster cast all their spells, but the effects wouldn't happen until timestop wore off.
  • rjohnson674rjohnson674 Member Posts: 5
    Thank you for your comments!
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