Minsc = no AC benefit from shield??

I'm certainly not an expert on the mechanics and fine points of this game, so maybe there is something simple that I'm just not seeing.......but when I put a large shield +1 on a character that is wearing, say, only full plate armor....it benefits their AC. But when I put that shield on Minsc, for some reason there is no change to his AC. He's not wearing any ring or amulet that would already boost his AC either. He can equip the shield, but just gets no AC benefit. Is there a reason for this?
Jmerry, thanks! I figured it out just before I saw your response.
I just saw this answer and it is perfect! I never figured out how to mark posts with reactions, or I would do that.
This is related to something I noticed with EE - that I can equip shields and offhand weapons on my character and then equip a 2 hand weapon. It is convenient on two levels. It saves the inventory slot and the configuration can be changed very quickly with the quick weapons.
In old-school BG, we had to change from 2H bow to sword and board in the inventory and that meant the game clock was ticking and that was usually very bad. That was another reason I favored 1H missiles on tank characters, because they would have the shield.
I - and most others - will fully agree. We have all done the same some time.