Suggestion: Pale Master - Caster level increase per odd levels
Anyone who pursuits the necromantic arts must be at least comfortable picking this prestige class, but the lack of caster level makes PM unfavorable as a mage class. My suggestions are:
* Caster level increase per odd levels
* For necromancy spells: caster level increase per even levels
* Caster level increase per odd levels
* For necromancy spells: caster level increase per even levels
Via scripting the individual spell scripts you can account for PM levels in all the necromancy spells for purposes of determining damage, duration, dispel checks and defeating SR (except, I think, when it comes to trying to overcome monk SR). But, it's takes a lot of work.
I had my fingers crossed that this would be one of the things we'd get in NWN:EE. (unless, of course, it happened and I don't know.) And, uncapping the spell and ability levels in the toolset from 15.
Since these use numbers instead of names to refer to tables of progression like it was done in Baldur's Gate1&2, you cannot do custom spellcastion progressions like Eldritch Knight's 9/10 (29/30 in Epic) progression.
As of now, the numbers determine the progression.
1 gives you at each level progression for spells per day.
2 gives you at each even level (any number devideable by 2) progression for spells per day.
If there was a 2DA file for eldritch knight it would look like this and be called EldKniProg for short, so it can fit either on the field of ArcSpellLvlMod or DivSpellLvlMod.
Here a legend:
Here the table
As for the palemaster, it might look like this
If I was to go for the full course, I would have added sections for Domains, which determine CL for their spells as well.
Ordained Champions for example would gain on levels, where spellcasting isn't progressed, only a CL increase for War Domain spells.
So since I am thinking forward enough, I convey the right to use these tables and ideas to Beamdog, so that they may be used.
Also I decline my right of contesting any profits and ownerships. It is but a gift and suggestion to Beamdog.