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Finished quests not moving to "Done" list

MikePXPMikePXP Member Posts: 54
I know from the original that some quests are impossible to finish (winter wolf pelt being one if I remember correctly) but I have the "Rescuing Dynaheir" quest still in the "Quests" list after completing it. Is there a way to remove it?


  • SceptenarSceptenar Member Posts: 606
    I have the same problem. If anyone has an answer, please chime in.
  • KilivitzKilivitz Member Posts: 1,459
    That seems to happen with a few quests - unfortunately there's no easy solution until the first patch comes out. I'm pretty sure the devs will address the issue by then.
  • HootHoot Member Posts: 40
    edited November 2012
    Yeah, I was thinking this was a bug or oversight. One part of it is marked finished, but the "Minsc" part of the quest is still open for me. Hoping for a patch!

    EDIT :- Also it failed to clear "Prisoner of the Gnolls" as well, still marked as open :(
  • MikePXPMikePXP Member Posts: 54
    Same with "Prism the Sculptor" also still marked as open.
  • John_RainbowJohn_Rainbow Member Posts: 15
    Yeah, same here. Just did it this morning - after the new patch was installed.
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