My try to sort things out for me :)

First... This is no complaining post or something like that.
Just a try to get the facts together
In the end, Beamdog did exactly what they promised, they released the enhanced Version.
And partly its not bad, i like the zoom feature, make things more visible and the ingame Graphic is more or less rather sharp.
But to come back to the technical problems and the more low resolution gui elements - Anyone else thinks the PC Version of the EE is just a 1:1 copy of the Tablet Versions, minus the core mechanics of course.
Because Tablets and PC feature different architectures and different quality needs.
In the end i think it would have been a bit better if pc owners would have gotten a bit more love as they did, i am sure the tablet version - when it will be released looks awesome, thanks to the lower quality demanding structure.
Sadly this does not work so well for us PC Owners, not only did that "downgrade" from the tablet version brought a hell of technical problems, which some of us have to experience in a very disappointing way and the new created Artwork, which will for sure look awesome on tablets only becomes a second grade rating for the pc version, especially when you leave windowed mode and enter Fullscreen at high resolutions.
In the end, i for myself would have wanted a statement from the Devs in the beginning that the PC Version will be unable to deliver the beauty of the tablet version - If you think trough the stuff, this makes perfect sense, try to view a 720p material at 1080p - things get rough.
Anyway, i hope you, the Beamdog Devs do decide that the pc section is not second grade behind the tablet version and will deliver patches/fixes which remove the quality differences which appear when creating a port to a system (Tablets) and after that using this for the other variants (pc)
Just a try to get the facts together

And partly its not bad, i like the zoom feature, make things more visible and the ingame Graphic is more or less rather sharp.
But to come back to the technical problems and the more low resolution gui elements - Anyone else thinks the PC Version of the EE is just a 1:1 copy of the Tablet Versions, minus the core mechanics of course.
Because Tablets and PC feature different architectures and different quality needs.
In the end i think it would have been a bit better if pc owners would have gotten a bit more love as they did, i am sure the tablet version - when it will be released looks awesome, thanks to the lower quality demanding structure.
Sadly this does not work so well for us PC Owners, not only did that "downgrade" from the tablet version brought a hell of technical problems, which some of us have to experience in a very disappointing way and the new created Artwork, which will for sure look awesome on tablets only becomes a second grade rating for the pc version, especially when you leave windowed mode and enter Fullscreen at high resolutions.
In the end, i for myself would have wanted a statement from the Devs in the beginning that the PC Version will be unable to deliver the beauty of the tablet version - If you think trough the stuff, this makes perfect sense, try to view a 720p material at 1080p - things get rough.
Anyway, i hope you, the Beamdog Devs do decide that the pc section is not second grade behind the tablet version and will deliver patches/fixes which remove the quality differences which appear when creating a port to a system (Tablets) and after that using this for the other variants (pc)