End Movie/Credits

How, in the Nine Hells do I go about creating a "rolling" set of credits for the end of my mod. If you have the names of any of the programs that would facilitate said project, I'm all ears...
What is the file format? Any tutorials?
I noticed the function EndGame(sString) and it had me thinking about creating an end movie or set of credits for my mod...
What is the file format? Any tutorials?
I noticed the function EndGame(sString) and it had me thinking about creating an end movie or set of credits for my mod...
Post edited by Zephirius on
For my module which I built for my 8 yr old granddaughter "Ruby and the Last Unicorn" I felt I needed both opening and closing titles to attract her interest so I used iMovie as I have a Mac. That gave me titles over a moving world map at the start and a more "Star Wars" rolling sort of end titles.
To answer the easy bit I think your movie needs to be .wbm format. That's certainly what I used and it worked.