Viconia romance timer not advancing
I have played into Chapter 3, but for some reason the timer does not advance. I have paused the game and let it sit for an hour real time, same with keeping the game running and nothing moves the timer. Other conversations pop up organically, but thus far I have needed EEKeeper. What is the CLUA command to help with this? It is a pain saving, editing and resuming games just to get the next dialogue. Can it be done in-game?
Most steps in Viconia's romance run on a real-time timer of TEN_HOURS, which is equal to fifty minutes. Three of the talks only come when you rest (LoveTalk = 41, 51, 63).
Since you're already using EEKeeper, here are the variables to check for:
LoveTalk (local to Viconia): tracks which talk you're on. The final talk is at 76, and LoveTalk will advance to 77 not long after that.
ViconiaRomanceActive (global): tracks whether the romance is active. 0 = not started, 1 = active, 2 = committed, 3 = broken up.
ViconiaRomance (global): real-time timer. When this expires, the next step is ready. The numbers will be big, which doesn't really mean much of anything.
Dude, thanks! I am much happier now, and a bit embarrassed not knowing this. Thanks again!