Sure everyone uses SCS, but...

in BG:EE Mods
Does anyone out there use the 'Spell Revisions' mod from G3?
Everytime I go to download it, I get the shakes and chicken out.
It's the same with Rogue Rebalancing, download it and then can't bring myself to actually use it.
Any feedback or horror story would be most welcome.
Everytime I go to download it, I get the shakes and chicken out.
It's the same with Rogue Rebalancing, download it and then can't bring myself to actually use it.
Any feedback or horror story would be most welcome.
I like it because the spell descriptions are accurate to their mechanical in-game effects!
I do not use Spell Revisions, but have always wanted to try it out.
That being said, try them out for sure! No judging from me on using modes, etc. Do what you find fun!
I like that they seem to be attempting to spread the saving throw variety around. Which is great for mages as you can tailor a spell list to attack the opponents worst save group. How do you find the spell effects?
Yeah, the rogue changes daunt me as well. Didn't realise that it was component based, like SCS. Might have to give it a go after all.
And thanks to both of you for the feedback.
I'm also quite glad that SR is compatible with SCS if SR is installed before SCS, and SCS casters will use SR spell versions. Various other spell mods including IWDification and OlvynSpells are compatible with SR if SR is installed before them.
I do wish that SR went even farther with some of its changes, like making protection from normal weapons a level 1 spell with a short duration (3ish rounds) to make it especially useful instead of it being a forgettable spell that comes at a later spell level than stoneskin, mirror image, shield, and haste - my default buff stack.
(I mentioned this already on the Gibberlings3 forum and we already discussed how the game's AI - even with SCS - would have a hard time countering protection from normal weapons at spell level 1 or 2 due to lacking dispel, and even might have a hard time at spell level 3 due to there being generally few casters in BG1.)
Odd, I would have thought that the Spell Revisions would go on over the top of (installed after) SCS and anything that added spells. I've got both SCS and IWDification running and though it would be a sinch to mod SR in as well.
To clarify, SR and SCS work together as they do because SCS is coded to detect the presence of SR and change scripting accordingly. Most mods work in a different manner - the most recently installed mod or component takes priority.