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[possible spoiler] regeneration

I have a strange 'problem' with my BGEE playthrough that I hope someone with a more extensive knowledge in BG can help me understand.

Having removed the XP cap, my solo-fighter (lv.9) is regenerating HP over time. On moving between areas, he is almost healed completely (as the hours pass). I have no idea what causes this regeneration to happen, unless a lv9 fighter for some reason is supposed to regenerate HP. I see no items on him that explains this.

Note that this is not usage of the healing abilities CHARNAME gets, it's a steady HP regen seemingly out of nowhere.

I created an override folder using files and instructions in this thread
to remove the XP cap.

Is this a glitch?


  • KefkaKefka Member Posts: 46
    20+ constitution gives regen.
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    Does he have constitution 20?
  • Humanoid_TaifunHumanoid_Taifun Member Posts: 1,063
    With a high constitution score, characters regenerate automatically. This begins at 20 and peaks at 25.
  • KillorKillor Member Posts: 7
    Any chance you're playing a half-orc or dwarf, and got a CON of 20?
  • raelcariraelcari Member Posts: 133
    ah, so that's it then: The tome that boosts constitution. I just found that. Thx a lot!
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