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Cutscenes are off-center to the lower right

BaptorBaptor Member Posts: 343
No idea why this started happening, but anytime a cutscene happens it is off-centered to the bottom right of the screen. Any ideas?



  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,938
    (The view point for the double cutscene used as an example, where the screen should be centered, is about a body length in front of Gromnir)

    No idea why this happened, but it seems your game got confused about where the center of the screen is. Maybe try resizing the window?
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,520
    That's normal (I think). The screen should be centered on the last active person, which is Gromnir in this particular screenshot. The problem here is the small area size combined with a zoomed out screen, which makes the whole area look off-center. It looks like the effect is magnified for some reason if the graphics option "Allow Scrolling Out Of Bounds" is disabled.

    Enabling the graphics option "Scale User Interface" should fix the issue, as it scales the screen to 100% in cutscene mode.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,938
    edited December 2022
    The first two lines of CUT225A:
    The viewpoint starts off with player 1, at the stairs where they entered. It then moves over to the pre-placed "cutspy" object, about halfway between Gromnir and Melissan's starting spot. I'm pretty sure it just stays there once it arrives. People talking, if they're already on screen, don't re-center the viewpoint. [Edit: wrong. Don't know why I thought that. The center of the screen should jump between Gromnir and Melissan as they talk to each other, then stay fixed during the second half of the cutscene.]
    Post edited by jmerry on
  • BaptorBaptor Member Posts: 343
    edited December 2022
    Been playing it for years with the same settings, and I promise this has never happened before. This isn't the best screenshot but it's the one I could get for you. If the area is smaller it's even more pronounced. For example if it's a very small indoor room (like the one with the imp riddles) it's shunted to the extreme lower right of my screen. In those cases not a single pixel is in the center of the screen so I don't think what @argent77 is suggesting is the explanation in this case. "Allow Scrolling Out of Bounds" isn't on. I don't use "Scale UI" because it makes things look blurry on my large monitor.

    Here is my full CUT225A, does this look correct?

    RESPONSE #100
    MoveViewObject("cutspy",BD_NORMAL) // No such index

    @jmerry also, I am not playing in windowed mode, but I also think you may be right and it doesn't know where the center of my screen is. Not sure what I can do about that, though. :(
    Post edited by Baptor on
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,938
    CUT225B is also relevant (this scene also has a part after Mel's dialogue with Gromnir), but yes. That looks perfectly normal. There's really no reason for anything to change the scene.

    With that added information about the effect being stronger for smaller rooms - it seems that the game isn't willing to put the lower right corner of your screen/window outside the bounds of the area, at least during a cutscene; the x-coordinate of the screen corner can't be larger than the maximum x-value in the area and the y-coordinate of the screen corner can't be larger than the maximum y-value in the area. I'm pretty sure that in your shot, the lower left corner of the screen is exactly at the area's maximum x and y values.

    If you want to keep the interface tiny (because your screen has so much more resolution than the game was designed for), and to stay zoomed way out (for the same reason), then there's really only one option left to allow the game to center things properly in small areas: enable "Allow scrolling out of bounds".

    I mentioned resizing the window because that somehow fixed a similar problem for me once; "Scale User Interface" stopped working in windowed mode. Until, as I was preparing a post to ask about it, I accidentally moved a corner and resized the window. Poof. The properly scaled interface was back, just like that.
    (I play on a 13-inch laptop, so not a terribly big screen. Full screen for normal gameplay, frequently switching to windowed when I document my runs.)
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