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PW Shifter's and Plot Items

Gooday all,

How do PWs handle Shifters/Polymorphs and Plot Items that need to be taken and also could be worn. I know a server I played on in the past forced PCs to revert to their standard appearance. Or, maybe write a clause in on-equip that unequips the item when the PC tries to wear it.

Thanks for your time,



  • TerrorbleTerrorble Member Posts: 185
    I guess I don't really know what happens to equipped gear when you polymorph.

    In the shifting scripts maybe you can check all the equipped gear for plot flags, if they have one, then set that object as a local object on the player before the polymorph effect is applied. Then have the quest NPC check the player for the local object if they are shifted.

    I'm sure there's a problem with this approach, like the object won't be valid when shifted or something, but that's what I'd try first.
  • ForSeriousForSerious Member Posts: 494
    I'm pretty sure you cannot equip nor unequip while shifted, so no need to script anything there. If shifted while getting to the part where you need the item equipped, it would just treat you like you don't have it equipped.
    The easiest way around that that I can think of is to add a local variable that tracks if the player equipped it or not, and maybe you'd have to also add a case for when people shift—in case it counts that as unequipping.
    (The even easier way to handle it would be to never require plot items to your players... but I can see how that might be less fun.)
  • MelkiorMelkior Member Posts: 223
    If you want any effects of an equipped item to carry over to the shifted form of the PC, you'd have to script that, and take care of removing the effect on an un-shift. I know it can be done because I've seen it done, although I've never explored to find out how.
  • DJ_WoWDJ_WoW Member Posts: 51
    Gooday all,

    I wanted to thank you for all of your insights. I will explore those options.

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