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(Alternative) Artificer, or Technologist kit mod

tRuffustRuffus Member Posts: 39

Sometimes I creating mods in Polish. Now I am trying to translate one mod.
I know, that kit exist already, but it's an extension of an older concept.

Technologist - D&D 3.5 (<- here is old base class).

I was trying to convert this to AD&D, and translate. Well, alternative kit. Something like Windows and Linux... (my concept is more like Linux)...

I Hope my new items are good enough, just need to translate the code.
Will I be forgiven if I don't prove to be a good translator?
I only learned English in high school.

Okay, let's go:
BACKUP ~Technol\backup~
AUTHOR "Ruffle_truffle" 

BEGIN ~New kit for a thief: Artificer~
INCLUDE ~%MOD_FOLDER%/lib/fl#add_kit_ee.tpa~
INCLUDE ~%MOD_FOLDER%/lib/functions.tpa~
INCLUDE ~%MOD_FOLDER%/handle_charsets.tpa~

~TECHNOL 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0~
~TECHNOL 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0~
~TECHNOL 0 15 0 16 0 0~
~TECHNOL -5 0 -5 0 0 0~
~TECHNOL 17 0 0 17 17 0~
~TECHNOL 0 17 0 16 0 0~
~TECHNOL 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~
~TECHNOL 1 0 0 1 1 0~
~0x00040000 4~
~CHAN09 * HELM20 BAG20 RING06 RING39 * BOOT01 AMUL19 BRAC16 BELT10 AROW11,40 BULL03,40 BOLT06,40 POTN52,5 POTN4,2 POTN14,5 SW1h42 SW1H27 STAF08~
SAY ~artificer~
SAY ~Artificer~
SAY ~ARTIFICER: Artificers are thieves who have devoted themselves to the study of science and craft. With the arrival of experience, they can perform and develop more and more complex inventions that can be called synthetic and avant-garde as for the realities of the Realms. Most often inspired by the doctrines of Gond, they can create true works of art from whatever they get their hands on during their travels. Artificers, also known as technologists, are individuals who usually come from large cities or who have received a solid, directional education. Only gnomes can become them. Unfortunately, the careful study of science has negatively affected their physicality.


- on 1 level can create: Binoculars of detection (+20% to Find traps and Detect illusion skills, infravision also).
- on 4, 8 and 16 level receives  the 'PYROACOUSTICS' ability (1/3 chance to create: Sonic firecracker, Soundproof grenade or Sound bomb).
- on 8, 16 and 24 level receives  the 'PYROTECHNICS' ability (1/4 chance to create: Powder bomb, Gunpowder grenade, Gas bomb or Grenade of toxic fumes).
- on 10 level can create: Three-section launcher (when used by hand items, three crossbows are created in the inventory, each of them can be fired with a different type of ammunition - bullets, arrows or bolts).
- on 15 level can create: a Suit that protects against cold and acid (+30%) or fire and electricity (+30%), granting AC 8 and also adding +25% resistance to physical damage.
- on 18 level can create: a Heavy suit that protects against fire and acid (+35%) and grants AC 5, as well as +30% to physical damage and does not restrict spellcasting.
- on 25 level can create Golem armor (works like transforming into an iron golem).


- Maximum 13 Strenght and Condition.
- May not use Backstab ability.
- Crafts are not stronger on higher levels.
- May only distribute 15 skill points per level (25 at level 1) among thieving skills.
- Race restricted to gnome.~

LAF fl#add_kit_ee
STR_VAR kit_name = ~TECHNOL~ backstab = ~1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~ thiefskl = ~25 15~ clsrcreq = ~0 0 0 0 0 1 0~

COPY ~Technol\TECHNOL.2da~ ~override~
COPY ~Technol\binok01.ITM~ ~override~
SAY NAME1 ~Binoculars~
SAY NAME2 ~Binoculars of detection~
SAY UNIDENTIFIED_DESC ~It looks like pince-nez, which may have some specific properties, although they are probably not magical.~
SAY DESC ~These pince-nez, made by inexperienced artificers, not only allow you to see in the dark, but also sharpen your eyesight, making it easier for the wearer to recognize distortions in chiaroscuro and the contours of the examined object, which makes it easier for him to detect a trap or a hostile illusion.


Infravision at a distance of 40 meters
Detect illusion +20%
Find traps +20%
Weight: 1~         

COPY ~Technol\petar01.ITM~ ~override~
SAY NAME1 ~Firecracker~
SAY NAME2 ~Sonic firecracker~
SAY UNIDENTIFIED_DESC ~Firecrackers are technological products, still rarely found in the Realms, but they have their practical use.~
SAY DESC ~Firecrackers are technological products, still rarely found in the Realms, but they have their practical use. This piece causes an explosion of noise that renders creatures within deaf for 6 rounds (if fail a saving throw against wands).


Causes area deafness (save against wands with -3 modifier negates)
Operation area: within 5 meters
Weight: 1~
COPY ~Technol\petar02.ITM~ ~override~
SAY NAME1 ~Firecracker~
SAY NAME2 ~Powder bomb~
SAY UNIDENTIFIED_DESC ~Firecrackers are technological products, still rarely found in the Realms, but they have their practical use.~
SAY DESC ~Firecrackers are technological products, still rarely found in the Realms, but they have their practical use. This piece causes a gunpowder explosion, that deals fire damage to all creatures and objects within range.


Damage: 3D6 fire damage (no save)
Operation area: within 13 meters
Weight: 1~
COPY ~Technol\grana01.ITM~ ~override~
SAY NAME1 ~Grenade~
SAY NAME2 ~Soundproof grenade~
SAY UNIDENTIFIED_DESC ~Grenades are technological products, still rarely found in the Realms, but they have their practical use.~
SAY DESC ~Grenades are technological products, still rarely found in the Realms, but they have their practical use. This copy encloses the target in a soundproof cylinder. A creature that fails a saving throw against wands with a -2 modifier will become deaf (though not mute) for 6 rounds and will be immune to sonic spells.


Deafness for 6 rounds and immunity to certain magical or non-magical sounds
Operation area: 1 Creature
Weight: 1~

COPY ~Technol\grana02.ITM~ ~override~
SAY NAME1 ~Grenade~
SAY NAME2 ~Gunpowder grenade~
SAY UNIDENTIFIED_DESC ~Grenades are technological products, still rarely found in the Realms, but they have their practical use.~
SAY DESC ~Grenades are technological products, still rarely found in the Realms, but they have their practical use. This copy causes a gunpowder explosion that causes creatures and objects within range to take fire damage. A successful saving throw against wands negates half the damage.


Damage: 3D6 + 3D6 fire damage (a successful save against -3 wands partially negates)
Operation area: within 13 meters
Weight: 1~

COPY ~Technol\wyrzu01.ITM~ ~override~
SAY NAME1 ~Launcher~
SAY NAME2 ~Three-section launcher~
SAY UNIDENTIFIED_DESC ~It seems that this invention is shot, although you are not able to answer how.~
SAY DESC ~Such launchers are most often constructed by gnomes, although it happens to other races that have technologists. They have many knobs, sights and mechanical improvements. What's more - each of the three parts of this machine is adapted to a different type of projectiles.~ 

COPY ~Technol\wyrzu02.ITM~ ~override~
SAY NAME1 ~Launcher member~
SAY NAME2 ~Projectile launcher~
SAY UNIDENTIFIED_DESC ~It seems that the launcher has been successfully divided into three parts. However, you don't know what this member is for.~
SAY DESC ~The bearing in this member is set to hurl projectiles (the kind you throw with a slingshot).


TRAC0 + 5
Proficiency Type: Crossbow
Weapon type: 2-handed
Delay: 2
One extra attack per round
Weight: 4~

COPY ~Technol\wyrzu03.ITM~ ~override~
SAY NAME1 ~Launcher member~
SAY NAME2 ~Arrow launcher~
SAY UNIDENTIFIED_DESC ~It seems that the launcher has been successfully divided into three parts. However, you don't know what this member is for.~
SAY DESC ~The bearing in this member is positioned to fire arrows.


TRAC0 + 5
Proficiency Type: Crossbow
Weapon type: 2-handed
Delay: 2
One extra attack per round
Weight: 4~

COPY ~Technol\wyrzu04.ITM~ ~override~
SAY NAME1 ~Launcher member~
SAY NAME2 ~Bolt launcher~
SAY UNIDENTIFIED_DESC ~It seems that the launcher has been successfully divided into three parts. However, you don't know what this member is for.~
SAY DESC ~The bearing in this member is positioned to throw bolts.


TRAC0 + 6
Proficiency Type: Crossbow
Weapon type: 2-handed
Delay: 1
One and a half extra attacks per round
Weight: 4~ 

COPY ~Technol\skafa01.ITM~ ~override~
SAY NAME1 ~Suit~
SAY NAME2 ~Suit - mute heat~
SAY UNIDENTIFIED_DESC ~Suits are quasi-armours constructed by technologists. Thanks to synthetic ingredients, they are not only lightweight, but also able to protect the wearer from physical attacks or the elements.~
SAY DESC ~Suits are quasi-armours constructed by technologists. Thanks to synthetic ingredients, they are not only lightweight, but also able to protect the wearer from physical attacks or the elements. This piece protects the wearer from fire and electricity.


Armor Class: 8
+30% resistance to fire and electricity
+25% physical damage resistance
Weight: 7
Strength required: 6~  

COPY ~Technol\skafa02.ITM~ ~override~
SAY NAME1 ~Suit~
SAY NAME2 ~Anti-aqua mortis suit~
SAY UNIDENTIFIED_DESC ~Suits are quasi-armours constructed by technologists. Thanks to synthetic ingredients, they are not only lightweight, but also able to protect the wearer from physical attacks or the elements.~
SAY DESC ~Suits are quasi-armours constructed by technologists. Thanks to synthetic ingredients, they are not only lightweight, but also able to protect the wearer from physical attacks or the elements. This piece protects the wearer from cold and acid.


Armor Class: 8
+30% resistance to cold and acid
+25% physical damage resistance
Weight: 7
Strength required: 6~  

COPY ~Technol\skafa03.ITM~ ~override~
SAY NAME1 ~Suit~
SAY NAME2 ~Heavy suit~
SAY UNIDENTIFIED_DESC ~Suits are quasi-armours constructed by technologists. Thanks to synthetic ingredients, they are not only lightweight, but also able to protect the wearer from physical attacks or the elements.~
SAY DESC ~Suits are quasi-armours constructed by technologists. Thanks to synthetic ingredients, they are not only lightweight, but also able to protect the wearer from physical attacks or the elements. This one is a bit heavier than other suits, but offers better protection.


Armor Class: 5
+35% resistance to fire and acid
+30% physical damage resistance
Doesn't restrict spellcasting
Weight: 20
Strength required: 12~

COPY ~Technol\grana03.ITM~ ~override~
SAY NAME1 ~Grenade~
SAY NAME2 ~Grenade of toxic fumes~
SAY UNIDENTIFIED_DESC ~Grenades are technological products, still rarely found in the Realms, but they have their practical use.~
SAY DESC ~It is a grenade that creates a cloud of highly toxic and flammable vapors. After the explosion, a cloud of acid is sprayed, as well as igniting toxins from the sparks.


Blinded (-5 save against wands negates)
Damage: 6 acid damage + 6 fire damage to creatures in the cloud
Operation area: Within 13 meters
Weight: 1~

COPY ~Technol\bomba01.ITM~ ~override~
SAY NAME1 ~Bomb~
SAY NAME2 ~Sound bomb~
SAY UNIDENTIFIED_DESC ~Bombs are technological products, still rarely found in the Realms, but they have their practical use.~
SAY DESC ~Bombs are technological products, still rarely found in the Realms, but they have their practical use. This copy drains sounds from an area. Any creature within range will be silenced for 6 rounds.


Silence for 6 rounds (no save)
Operation area: within 5 meters
Weight: 1~

COPY ~Technol\bomba02.ITM~ ~override~
SAY NAME1 ~Bomb~
SAY NAME2 ~Gas bomb~
SAY UNIDENTIFIED_DESC ~Bombs are technological products, still rarely found in the Realms, but they have their practical use.~
SAY DESC ~Bombs are technological products, still rarely found in the Realms, but they have their practical use.This copy causes a poison gas explosion. Any creature in the fumes takes 2d6 acid damage each round of presence in the fumes, and is knocked unconscious if it fails a saving throw against wands.


Unconscious (save against wands with -4 modifier negates)
Damage: 2d6 acid damage each round while in the area of ​​effect
Operation area: within 13 meters
Weight: 1~

COPY ~Technol\PYRO001A.BAM~ ~override~
COPY ~Technol\PYRO001B.BAM~ ~override~
COPY ~Technol\pyroaco.SPL~ ~override~
SAY NAME1 ~Pyroacoustics~    
COPY ~Technol\pyrotec.SPL~ ~override~
SAY NAME1 ~Pyrotechnics~
COPY ~Technol\binok02.SPL~ ~override~       
SAY NAME1 ~Creation of Detection Binoculars~
COPY ~Technol\stwyr01.SPL~ ~override~
SAY NAME1 ~Launcher creation~
COPY ~Technol\stska01.SPL~ ~override~
SAY NAME1 ~Suit creation I~
COPY ~Technol\stska02.SPL~ ~override~
SAY NAME1 ~Suit creation II~
COPY ~Technol\stska03.SPL~ ~override~
SAY NAME1 ~Suit creation III~
COPY ~Technol\irgol.SPL~ ~override~
SAY NAME1 ~Montage of golem armor~
COPY ~Technol\demont.SPL~ ~override~
SAY NAME1 ~Disassembly of golem armor~


  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,903
    edited January 2023
    First, some structural things to deal with if you intend to distribute this.

    Modder prefixes: Many people like to install lots of mods. And if your mod creates new resources, you don't want them to have the same name as resources created by other people. That leads to incompatibilities, in which a resource from one mod overwrites a resource from another and causes unpredictable errors.
    The standard the community has settled on for this? Modder prefixes. Each modder gets a unique two-character (case-insensitive) prefix, and any new resources their mods create should start with that. The list of currently reserved prefixes is here at Black Wyrm's Lair, and you can request a prefix for yourself in this thread. For example, my prefix is J8.
    I see resources in your mod starting with BI, BO, DE, GR, IR, PE, PY, SK, ST, TE, and WY. Eleven different prefixes. Ten of them conflict with an already registered prefix. None of the big names, but you never know when somebody will have an old mod that runs into a namespace conflict.

    Translations: Lots of mods are distributed in multiple languages. The standard for that is to use .tra files, which are lists of string definitions. Each language the mod is available in has a .tra file, with different definitions for the strings. So, suppose you want to distribute this in both English and Polish. Up in your preamble, before the main component's BEGIN but after the other stuff, you would make some LANGUAGE definitions:
    Obviously, replace that %something% with the actual file name. You can also specify multiple .tra files for a single language, but I wouldn't worry about that for something this small.
    And what goes in these .tra files? Well, let's start with the name of the mod. It's the first thing you're likely to translate, so I'll call it #1. Your English-language .tra would then have an entry
    @1 = ~New kit for a thief: Artificer~
    and your component's declaration would become
    BEGIN @1 // New kit for a thief: Artificer
    The comment after the // is of course optional, but it's always nice to make code more readable.
    The framework in general also makes it easy for a translator to help you. No coding knowledge is needed to modify a .tra file, so basically anyone fluent in the relevant languages can do it.

    I noticed you including HANDLE_CHARSETS. This is only relevant if (a) you're using .tra files, and (b) you're supporting both Enhanced Edition and classic (pre-EE) games. Its purpose is to convert between different encodings in .tra files. EE games expect everything to be in the UTF-8 format, so you should just build the files like that if it's an EE-only mod.

    Adding the kit: I've made a kit mod. Using ADD_KIT and fl#add_kit_ee caused me no end of trouble. Though I was eventually able to make it work, that included instances of fixing malformed tables in code after doing the initial operation. I strongly recommend using a7-add_kit_ex instead. Available here.

    As for the content of the kit mod ... I'll leave that to other posts.

    [Edit: moved a sentence for better flow]
    Post edited by jmerry on
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Do note that the Aura NPC has its own Artificer Thief kit meant to be exclusive to Aura. It's useful for inspiration at least.

  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,903
    Because I had to dig a bit just to find it, here's the description for Aura's kit:
    ARTIFICER: Lantanese artificers are master innovators and craftsmen, making up for their lack of combat or cloak-and-dagger skills with expert knowledge in use of arcane runes, deadly alchemical traps and metal automatons.

    – +20 bonus to Lore.
    – +5 additional Lore per level gained.
    – +10% bonus to Find Traps, Open Locks and Set Traps.
    – May use the Set Alchemical Snare ability once per day in addition to the normal Thief's Set Snare. Gains one use at level 1 and an additional use every 5 levels thereafter.

    Set Alchemical Snare: Set a trap in the targeted location when no hostile creatures are in sight. Traps deal 2d4 (+1d4 extra damage per 3 levels) fire, cold, acid or electrical damage of the artificer's choice in a 10' radius, inflicting additional effects that last for 2 rounds + 1 round per 3 levels of the artificer. Effects are dependent on the chosen element. Alchemical Snares can only be set off by enemies, but affect all within its area of effect.

    ALCHEMIST'S FIRE: Trap damage increases to d6 and sets targets Aflame, dealing an additional 1d4 fire damage per round.
    RAPID FREEZE: Targets become Slowed, suffering a -4 penalty to THAC0 and Armor Class.
    ACIDIC COMPOUND: Targets are afflicted with Corrosion, suffering a -25% penalty to Physical Resistance and Damage.
    ELECTRIC CHARGE: Targets become Shocked, suffering a 10% chance every round to become Paralyzed for 1 round.

    – May use the Craft Rune ability once per day.

    CRAFT RUNE: Artificers that have knowledge of magic are capable of creating and using runes charged with arcane energy. When the Craft Rune ability is used, a rune may be chosen from a selection that may be expended immediately or imbued on a target to discharge under specific triggers to cast a powerful arcane spell.

    – May use the Advanced Alchemy ability at will.

    ADVANCED ALCHEMY: Lantanese artificers are skilled in chemistry and potion-making. This skill may be used to craft a number of potions or alchemical weapons. The types of potions available for crafting increase with the artificer's level.

    – May use Analyze at will.

    ANALYZE: With this ability, the user carefully observes the target and identifies their strengths and weaknesses, revealing their Hit Die, THAC0, Saving Throws, Magic Resistance, Damage Resistance and vulnerability to Poison and Backstabs. This ability may be used an unlimited number of times.

    – 3rd level: May use the Infusion ability once per day.

    INFUSION: The artificer infuses their allies' weapons. All party members' weapons are treated as having a +1 enchantment for the purposes of determining what they can hit for 8 hours. This ability can only be used outside of combat.

    – 8th level: Infusion's enchantment bonus increases to +2.
    – 9th level: May use the Craft Automaton ability once per day.

    CRAFT AUTOMATON: The artificer spends two rounds to assimilate a powerful automaton which can be controlled at will. Automatons last until destroyed, are disabled if their creator is incapacitated, lose control if their creator's mind is affected and fall apart if their creator is killed. Only one automaton can be controlled at any given time.

    – 10th level: Gains an additional use of Craft Rune.
    – 16th level: Infusion's enchantment bonus increases to +3.
    – 18th level: Soul of Artifice: +1 bonus to Saving Throws. This bonus increases to +3 while under the effects of Infusion.
    – 20th level: Gains an additional use of Craft Rune.
    – 24th level: Infusion's enchantment bonus increases to +4.
    – 32nd level: Infusion's enchantment bonus increases to +5.
    – 40th level: Infusion's enchantment bonus increases to +6.

    – Hit Die: d4
    – Base THAC0 progresses as a Mage of the same level.
    – -10% penalty to Pick Pockets, Hide in Shadows and Move Silently.
    – No backstab multiplier.
    – May only distribute 20 skill points per level among thieving skills.
  • tRuffustRuffus Member Posts: 39

    This is Artificer in 3.5 D&D Edition.

    Well, in AD&D there was no artificers. And my inspiration is not from D&D handbook or SRD (Systems Reference Document - Dungeons & Dragons). We were just creating new kits on official polish Dungeons & Dragons forum. Someone create engineer kit, and I... Committed this class up to 3.5 Edition.
    So, it is not an official work.

    I tkank you for comments. I think I need to change the name of the kit.

    Better will be... Engineer? I don't want to create another version of that. Classes are completely different.
    I'll finish it, even when it is something like "art for art".

    Thank you.
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