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ToB:EE As a third sequel.

Now hear me out. I've heard dark whispers that ToB was originally meant to be a third installment and we can all agree that the plot in ToB is like an all out trench-sprint. "Here we go, there's the ending now run like all hell!"
Well. What if Overhaul did BG2EE without ToB and then expanded ToB vastly into the third Baldur's Gate they talked about. I know that wasn't the plan they wanted, but it'd really serve the trilogy and help balance out that last chapter a bit.

If nothing else, then at least focus all their expansions and additions on ToB since it really doesn't have sidequests.

Hey comeon. Does no one want to know what the Athkathla council was talking about in BG2 ending?


  • WardWard Member Posts: 1,305
  • LorfeanLorfean Member Posts: 43
    edited November 2012
    Why do so many people here just assume that these guys have the resources and talent required to tackle such a project? All they have done in this genre is BG:EE and I'm sorry, but it has been a shaky launch with a very mixed reactions at best! Based on what I've seen so far, I definitely wouldn't trust them with a job like that. No way.
  • creator1629creator1629 Member Posts: 66
    it really depends on how much they are allowed to change ToB, as well as the general publics opinion on this, many people might not want it changed. though personally it seems like a very interesting idea to me if done right
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    Lorfean said:

    Why do so many people here just assume that these guys have the resources and talent required to tackle such a project? All they have done in this genre is BG:EE and I'm sorry, but it has been a shaky launch with a very mixed reactions at best! Based on what I've seen so far, I definitely wouldn't trust them with a job like that. No way.

    this is how i feel about bethesida, and i doubt i'll ever think otherwise after they butchered fallout 3. i like bg:ee, but to all those saying things about it, i still say it doesn't compare to F3. New Vegas makes up for it somewhat, but i would pay to get that license out of Beth's hands.
  • BomimoBomimo Member Posts: 18
    Lorfean said:

    Why do so many people here just assume that these guys have the resources and talent required to tackle such a project? All they have done in this genre is BG:EE and I'm sorry, but it has been a shaky launch with a very mixed reactions at best! Based on what I've seen so far, I definitely wouldn't trust them with a job like that. No way.

    The problem with this and what invalidates your opinion entirely, is that it's not of the game itself OR the added content, but the technical problems surrounding launch. I don't see how that's relevant at all for the future projects. Don't be so fickle. Learn to distinguish the two.
  • BomimoBomimo Member Posts: 18
    edited November 2012

    it really depends on how much they are allowed to change ToB, as well as the general publics opinion on this, many people might not want it changed. though personally it seems like a very interesting idea to me if done right

    I don't really see a problem with adding content to it and restructuring it. Lord knows it's rushed and short.
    Bjjorick said:

    Lorfean said:

    Why do so many people here just assume that these guys have the resources and talent required to tackle such a project? All they have done in this genre is BG:EE and I'm sorry, but it has been a shaky launch with a very mixed reactions at best! Based on what I've seen so far, I definitely wouldn't trust them with a job like that. No way.

    this is how i feel about bethesida, and i doubt i'll ever think otherwise after they butchered fallout 3. i like bg:ee, but to all those saying things about it, i still say it doesn't compare to F3. New Vegas makes up for it somewhat, but i would pay to get that license out of Beth's hands.
    That's just the concervative in you talking. Fallout 3 was a good exporing game and New Vegas was a good Fallout game. Both have serious lackings. But that's because the devs actively sought to do something different with those games. Trent and the team are not, they're actively preserving and remastering.

    I personally REALLY hope for a substantially expanded ToB Wether it's in BG2EE or becomes ToBEE. Like seriously! Your powers doubles from what it took two whole games to attain in a matter of 12 hours. There's like only 12 quests total in what people refer to as the ending of the TRILOGY! (key word there!)
  • kilroy_was_herekilroy_was_here Member Posts: 455
    Why would the devs be allowed to radically alter TOB if they couldn't for BG? The contract agreed to requires no changes to existing content other than bugfixing and minor balancing.
  • DaelricDaelric Member Posts: 266
    Why even do a BG2:EE??? What could they possibly add to make it feel like an enhanced edition??? The graphics would be the same as would the character kits and lets be honest, those are the only obvious improvements that jump out at you. If they did make a BG2:EE people would be like "What did they improve?? Everything's the same!!" You know they would, c'mon.. Playing this BG1:EE (which is awesome btw) is like playing BG1 with all the improvements that 2 brought.
  • KrypteiaKrypteia Member Posts: 50
    In an ideal world, I'd like an ending to the series that was not ToB. There were elements of the game I liked, such as Watchers Keep, but I found the main quest to be fairly dull and the villain to be extremely underwhelming when compared to Sarevok and Irenicus. So while a couple of elements could be incorporated, I'd prefer a BG3 that was mostly original.

    However, I have absolutely no idea how feasible this is, either from a legal viewpoint or from that of resources and time. I suspect not very. I would likely still buy a ToB:EE if it was not included as part of BG2, but, like I said, in an ideal world and all that...
  • GwynnbleidGwynnbleid Member Posts: 17
    edited November 2012
    @KryptBeowulf - I was thinking along the same lines.
  • BomimoBomimo Member Posts: 18
    That's a good thought. But the BG3 they want to do... Isn't that with a new Protagonist too?
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    I like this idea too.
  • kilroy_was_herekilroy_was_here Member Posts: 455
    @KryptBeowulf First, the 3 new NPCs, as well as any more added as DLC to BGEE will carry over to BG2EE. There may be NPCs added just for BG2EE as well. Probably some new areas/quests/items will also be added.

    I like BG2 a lot more than BG1 anyway (low level DnD just doesn't do it for me) so any excuse to play it again works for me.

    If that doesn't do it for you, just imagine it as a down payment for the PS:TEE or BG3. :)
  • TalonfireTalonfire Member Posts: 17
    Bomimo said:

    Hey comeon. Does no one want to know what the Athkathla council was talking about in BG2 ending?

    I thought those were Bhaal priests intent on bringing their master back, and that they just fell into a plot hole between SoA and ToB. A side quest dedicated to those guys would be nice because they're a loose end that was never addressed. Considering how Overhaul isn't against chopping up cinematics though, we may just see them removed from the SoA ending altogether in BG2EE.
  • BytebrainBytebrain Member Posts: 602
    edited November 2012

    Why even do a BG2:EE??? What could they possibly add to make it feel like an enhanced edition??? The graphics would be the same as would the character kits and lets be honest, those are the only obvious improvements that jump out at you. If they did make a BG2:EE people would be like "What did they improve?? Everything's the same!!" You know they would, c'mon.. Playing this BG1:EE (which is awesome btw) is like playing BG1 with all the improvements that 2 brought.

    According to a podcast I heard or an interview I read, (possible both), their dream with this entire project was to sort of take the best ideas from BG2 and implement them in BG1, like more banter, some more focused quests, better visuals etc.
    They tried to implement more banter with the new NPC's, i haven't gotten that far yet, so I don't kowtow successful, except from the opinions here.

    The same applies the other way around, where BG2 could get some areas to explore and capture some of the magic in the very act of going into the unknown wilderness, to see what's hiding there and what deeds can be achieved.

    I'm very much paraphrasing here, as he said a lot of stuff I can't remember on that topic, but you get the jest of it I hope.

    I find that a great idea, and having already fixed a lot of the software coding issues in the original code ( replaced more than half), they'll hopefully have time to focus on that side of the game.
    And if it's in new areas, they are not bound by agreements with the ip holders, they can do pretty much what they want.
  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207
    Nah. I'd prefer Baldur's Gate III to be Baldur's Gate III; something new. Preferably with a new protagonist, lets be done with the Bhaalspawn. Tis a great story but surely more great stories can still be made.
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