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changig worldmap durin save

Hey, I have a mod that didn't update correctly my worldmap, but I also have an unused area in my worldmap. Is there any chance to edit it, so I can travel to new area without clua console? To change it to new area?


  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 602
    There is a chance, but it's kinda complicated to do it in NearInfinity.

    I presume you mean Water Gardens as the missing area, but what is the other one?
  • anathema83anathema83 Member Posts: 47
    edited January 2023
    Yes, it is a water garden, and the spare one is an area from g3anniversary mod. It's in my worldmap.wmp, and I've already finished this quest. It's visible on my ingame map, but I cannot travel there.
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