Key shortcut to select all party members

I'm having a problem selecting all 6 party members. I have a non US keyboard layout and the = key is pressed by doing a shift+0 combination. I've tried all my other key hoping I could find it in a different spot, but no luck. Is there a way to customize these shortcuts by editing the baldur.ini or something?
I hope there will also be a future fix for that for foreign keyboards:)
I have the same question. Ty very much in advance.
There is no way that i found to reassign the key.
assign key uses the same Baldur.ini as other options
you can access it from in game, option-->Gameplay--->assign Key
however, no every key is available for changing
I have list few bugs and problems in other post
so download autohotkey, install it, right click, edit this script, then add:
#IfWinActive, Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition
SC029::Send {=} ;select all
save the file, right click again, reload this script, and...
congrats, now you can select everyone by pressing tilde/0 in game, the key right (well, actually left) next to 1.
I'm actually thinking about setting up the WASD keys as the arrows so I can use the keyboard to scroll around the map easier.
thank you so much, I overlooked the assign keys button completely up there..