A worry & A Big Thanks

I'm really sad about the flood of trolls that arrived with the BGEE release. they've changed these forums and make it look dangerously similar to the forums of the evil-duo companies B&B . I really wish for people to be more constructive about their issues, it is more helpful to first search the forums for a possible solution of the problem and if that fails, I suggest posting it on the bugs forum and/or to the Overhaul team for help, General forums =/= "I feel offended" forums, that should be clear.
That being said, I give my big thanks to Overhaul team as I'm enjoying BGEE using one of the awesome Manley's portraits dating Neera and enjoying the new NPCs greatly
. Thanks and to all of you who enjoy the game please come out and let's flood this forums! I'm 100% certain there are many of us
That being said, I give my big thanks to Overhaul team as I'm enjoying BGEE using one of the awesome Manley's portraits dating Neera and enjoying the new NPCs greatly

That being said, I have faith in the developers overall, and I think, for the most part, criticism has been pretty restrained and constructive all things considered.
Another delay would have cost a rampage af whining etc etc...Possible something worse...
Ill bet that in 2 weeks time most of the probs+ is gone
Have a nice weekend !
Trent should be ashamed that he did a good job.
All sarcasm aside, I was reading some posts on trent's twitter, and he has a graph under his 'rants' about how hype is a mountain, release is falling off the mountain and slamming into the ground (people complaiing) and with bug fixes/extra content/etc, it slowly plateau's to about 1/3 of what the pre release hype.
Basically, he expected this. I think being in his shoes, you have to have thick skin, but i love the game so far, and it's better then i hoped and expected. Although, neera sounds a bit......needy.
The bottom line is we have been waiting to play this game for a long time and the fact that it's not working for one reason or another makes us want to vent our rage.
Which is *fine* in my books
But in all seriousness, I am so glad this has happened and I'd like to support the community and the project as much as I can. Well done Trent and Team, I hope this all pays off for you
Come on, of course people have a right to be upset when they can't run the game, but there's no way that complaining in each and every thread and starting a million topics on the same subject when there's pretty obvious threads dealing with complaints and issues.
A lot don't even look in the pinned announcements about the issues and fixes.
Loads of people have now found help to fix their problems now in the help threads.
Look there first.
Also, yes, there's hardware issues, and driver issues. There always is, on every single release in the last 15-20 years.
Barring an open limited Beta to thousands of people, (not a bad idea), there's no way anyone can try the game in the vast amount of pc configurations and drivers and combinations of them all.
It surely can't be a surprise for most people? Even if it sucks when it happens.
It's happened to me on numerous occasions with other games, and I search the forums, ask questions in the threads that are made for that, and I always get my issues resolved.
i know it sounds crazy, but i almost wish i would have had problems at release to be able to help people having issues. I've always enjoyed trouble shooting problems, but no such luck. I know it's odd, but i don't quite enjoy the game fully yet because i haven't had to tweak it.
That being said, I was just looking through what they did manage to fix and you can't accuse them of not being throrough enough in rooting out the thousand-and-one niggling problems that we've had to put up with for the last twenty years. Kudos to them for that.
I agree, though, on the nature of people venting there rage/spleens here on the forums. But in the heat of the moment I guess it's just natural for some to make an account and post angry splutterings first, and investigate properly *later*
I tell you this, even if this game wouldn't even start on my PC without a patch, I'd be happy to give them my $17 for future projects, DLCs and updates.
I still think the hardware and driver issues were unavoidable, the Devs simply can't have the game tested on such an array of combinations of drivers and hardware.
Also, in a way, and according to many interviews with Trent Oster, working with an old game, written for a completely different OS and, now, archaic hardware, is harder than writing your own game engine.
There are other bugs mentioned, not hardware but game related they should have caught, but hey, this is a huge game.