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[Question] Battle Music files

MariusBGMariusBG Member Posts: 2
edited February 2023 in Troubleshooting
Dear reader,

I get severe headache whenever the battle/combat music is playing. If I am correct if I put these files in another folder, or delete them, then the battle music will be gone, correct? For now it seems to work. I've no idea if any of the folder contains non-battle music? Can anyone confirm or direct me. Would appreciate it.

Thank you for reading!



  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,938
    All music for the games - both battle music and non-battle music - is contained in the "music" folder. Or possibly zipped up in a DLC archive in the case of Siege of Dragonspear. I wouldn't delete that, as the game might well crash as it tried to reference non-existent files. There are better ways. Namely, set the battle music for every area in the game to silence. Which I'm writing a mod for right now.

    Structurally, those .mus files are tiny plain text files describing playlists. The actual music files are in the subfolders. And the ones you have highlighted there are all battle music ... but they're not necessarily all of the battle music.

    Anyway, here's that mod I promised. For it to work properly, you'll need to start a new run; any areas you've visited so far are stored in the save file, and this mod works by altering the areas. Existing saves will not see any changes until they visit new areas.
  • MariusBGMariusBG Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2023
    Thank you. Will try it out! I am already 33 hours in, and at Cloakwood now, so a new save is unlikely I will do that for now. Will try it out for any new area's I am going to visit. :) Played with sound off and using spotify for these 33 hours.. Deleting the music was really helping the last couple of hours yesterday. Will try your mod out.

  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,938
    You're welcome. And yes, installing the mod mid-game will work just fine for any new areas you reach. If you revisit old areas, those will still have their battle music, but there's little incentive to fight in those old areas so it shouldn't be too much of a problem.

    It was actually very easy for me to put this together, mostly because I'd already written a component that randomized battle music for my tweak mod. I just had to strip out the complicated parts of that code and change each area's battle music to "0" instead of a random entry from a list.
  • enzo5enzo5 Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2
    MariusBG wrote: »
    Thank you. Will try it out! I am already 33 hours in, and at Cloakwood now, so a new save is unlikely I will do that for now. Will try it out for any new area's I am going to visit. :) Played with sound off and using Spotify premium for these 33 hours.. Deleting the music was really helping the last couple of hours yesterday. Will try your mod out.


    You're 33 hours in and at Cloakwood, so starting a new save isn't an option. Instead, you'll try the mod in new areas. Using Spotify and deleting in-game music helped, so testing the mod should be a good next step.
    Post edited by enzo5 on
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