Solo Black Pits 2 on LoB difficulty
Member Posts: 811
Well, I'm proud that I was able to win the first 5 fights (Tier 1) with a solo Berserker9/Mage imported from Black Pits 1 on Legacy of Bhaal difficulty.
Useful attacking spells: Chromatic Orb (especially vs orcs, instant petrification/death), Horror, Web, Slow, Confusion, Greater Malison, Emotion: Hopelessness, Polymorf Other (into a squirrel), Chaos, Sphere of Chaos.
Most of enemies were killed by instant death or squirrel transformation (5 Umber Hulks transformed into squirrels LoL).
1) Which alignment did you choose (which familiar do you reccomend)?
2) Was your stats min maxed? How did you allocate?
Thanks! 😉
1) Chaotic Good (the good alignment is necessary to use Azuredge). I don't use the familiar in fights, it serves only to get additional HP. Any familiar is almost instantly killed in these extreme fights anyway. Even the Cacofiend (=Nabassu, lvl 7 mage spell) usually doesn't survive during the supposed 15 rounds. Only Planetars (and similar creatures) can survive.
2) Yes, the stats are minimaxed (18/84, 18, 18, 18, 10, 5) and dual-classed fighter/mage is better since U can use the grand mastery in throwing weapons (the melee seems impossible anyway). However, the squirrel transformation (using Polymorph Other and Sphere of Chaos) is your best friend!
Well, the fight is easy in the following way: cast the level 9 Imprisonment spell on Mardii (the demilich's tactics, no saving throws) then kill 3 Elementals. 😎
So I have finished the Tier II. 😎
Tier III-3: Time Stop+Imprisonment to eliminate the lich and summoned Earth Elementals vs Bone Golems.
Current Status: Berserker9/Mage24, preparing to Tier III-4.
I wanna try a different (non-mage) class. 😎 What do you suggest?
Sure, some fights are tough even on Easy difficulty. Before I thought that LoB in Black Pits 2 is impossible. I wanted to try and win just 1-2 fights and it worked. 😎 The mage's lvl 9 Imrisonment spell (used by demi-liches with no saving throws) is kinda cheating, but very useful at this difficulty.
What do U suggest as my next (non-mage) solo LoB try (with the modest goal to finish, at least, 3 initial fights)?
Maybe fighter to cleric, the most op ive tried.
All right, though the melee seems to be impossible on LoB.
Maybe Fighter/Cleric dual-classed at level 9 (prepared and imported from BP1) with grand mastery in slings ‽ 🤣
At some point this strat will run out of steam, but its the point of these challenges.
Ok, I will prepare a Berserker/Cleric in BP1 (today or tomorrow) with GM in flails and will try to win, at least, the first battle vs orcs in BP2. 🤣
Wow, it looks even harder than Berserker/Cleric. 😸
Hint: Non-exploded traps remain in the arena! 😎
My gnome has girdle and shield with +4 to missile, but once archers are in middle of arena, no matter how much you run they always got range to hit,
Right, those brutal orc archers should be neutralized asap. It was "relatively easy" for my mage (Chromatic Orb, Polymorph Other). Now, with a thief, U maybe need a lot of Invisibility potions and backstabs. There are 15 invisibility potions on sale. It's also possible to hide in shadows (and/or lay traps) if U quickly run to the arena's border. However, the very first battle looks already like an epic boss fight. 🤣
What is the exact profile of your character (class, race, stats). I could try it in the near future. Today, I prepared a Berserker/Cleric in BP1. 😎
charisma 6 shafted me in vendor prices, i completely forgot about it, tomorrow ill look at vendor stuff more closely
I have a club +1 and sling with +2 bullets
It suddenly hit me that i can run around shooting the fireball potions, tomorrow ill see how many vendor has and try this strategy, it may just be what will save my gnome ass.
I-1: The battle with orcs is won thanks to the Invisible Stalker (lvl 6 summon). 🌬️
II-2: Easy win with 2 Invisible Stalkers and summoned Animals II. 😎
My tactics: Summon the Invisible Stalker, Animals II and try to Immobilize/Stun some orcs with cleric spells. 😎
IIRC, there is also a shield with additional +4 defense bonus vs throwing weapons. 😎
Current status: Berserker9/Cleric17, 142 HP, AC=-20 vs throwing weapons, preparing for Tier I-4: Umber Hulks.
Preliminary try: Umber Hulks are even tougher killing 2 Pit Fiends, 2 Invisible Stalkers and all other summons. After that, there are still 4 wounded Hulks. My char dies in a heroic but suicidal melee. 🤣
Ill play a bit this afternoon and try some stuff.
Thanks! 😉 Current achievements:
Berserker9/Mage26 after completing Tier III, 195 HP (thanks to a familiar), grand mastery in axes.
Berserker9/Cleric20 after completing Tier I-4 (umber hulks), 148 HP, grand mastery in flails.
The fight of Berserker/Cleric with drows (Tier I-5) is very complex and difficult. Maybe I'll make a break, trying something easier at the moment. 😎
Berserker9/Mage27 after completing Tier IV-1 (6 Fallen Devas). 💪
My special thanks to @Wisterias for his awesome "Timestop + Shapechange: Mindflayer" tactics! 👍
I have a doubt... For some weird reason I never used Imprisonament. If you cast it on someone with spell turning, it works the same or it's you who maybe ends in the prison?