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Trick: Hidden extra XP in BP1 is usable in BP2

I noticed it recently: if U exceed the cap of 500,000 XP in Black Pits 1, the additional XP is not lost. When U import your char from a BP1 save file, all accumulated XP becomes suddenly available!

For example, today I created a dual-classed Berserker9/Cleric9 in BP1. When, I imported it in BP2, the additional XP allowed me to level up immediately into Berseker9/Cleric11. 😎


  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,938
    Dual classes have this easier, as they'll store XP in their second class up to either the single-class cap (500K with SoD, variable without) or the campaign cap (600K) regardless of the cap on total XP preventing leveling. Beyond that, it's fragile and will get reset down to the cap any time you load a save.
  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 811
    edited February 2023
    jmerry wrote: »
    Dual classes have this easier, as they'll store XP in their second class up to either the single-class cap (500K with SoD, variable without) or the campaign cap (600K) regardless of the cap on total XP preventing leveling. Beyond that, it's fragile and will get reset down to the cap any time you load a save.

    Thanks for this clarification! 👍 Yes, it might be fragile. Indeed, i prepared my Berserker/Cleric in BP1 today and imported it into BP2 without reloads. 😎
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