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Pick Pocket

Hey gang.

I has been so long since I played this (excluding the hour or so that I played it last night) I forgot if it was worth the time to invest in pick pocket or if it should just be skipped. I remember being able to left items off shop keepers and score some lovely weapons from a certain Drow but excluding that I cannot recall if it was truely worth the time to find a target.


  • AlderonAlderon Member Posts: 53
    Pick pocket 50 is more than enough for the entire game, unless you are absolutely dedicated to picking every single pocket and stealing from every shop.

    But there are better utility skills, I'd only recommend more if you have 2 thieves.

    The only thing I always pick-pocket is Algernon's Cloak in Beregost. That +2 charisma means you can skimp on your cha and still get a nice reaction bonus. Start with 12, +1 from tome, +2 from cloak = 15 cha, which is a nice boost to reaction. (Better rewards, dialogue / etc.)
  • MedullaOblongataMedullaOblongata Member Posts: 434
    I picked golden pantaloons off of some guy.


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