I don't know if changing Charname's gender breaks the romance, but changing Dorn's one definitely doesn't As for @Syntia13, I personally asked for that portrait And, as usual, she did a masterpiece
It's never broken any romances before. Your actual gender is preserved in the game files, since the gender change is only in effect while wearing the belt.
It's never broken any romances before. Your actual gender is preserved in the game files, since the gender change is only in effect while wearing the belt.
It will break Neera's romance and only Neera's romance if you put it on a male character.
I honestly do not know. I haven't really played Dorn. Perhaps @Kaeloree or @Avenger_teambg know?
As for @Syntia13, I personally asked for that portrait
And, as usual, she did a masterpiece
It will unbreak Neera's romance for a female.