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Custom modules not listed when choosing New Game

Custom mods are no longer appearing as options to load and play. Some are fairly old content. Are they no longer compatible? They aren't found as options to open using the Toolset either. Any ideas would be helpful.


  • ProlericProleric Member Posts: 1,316
    By "custom modules", do you mean Premium Modules? Kingmaker and so on? Or fan-made?

    When starting a new game, there are now several tabs. The Community tab shows a few Curated Modules (a handful of fan-made selected by Beamdog for showcasing). The Local tab shows fan-made you've downloaded or subcribed to.

    The Local modules might not show up if your nwn.ini is pointing to the wrong folder.

    Many Premium modules are bundled these days, so should show up, but the ones you have to pay for might have issues if the payment status got scrambled somehow.
  • nwfan87nwfan87 Member Posts: 101
    @Sabian_Steeleblade How very strange. I'm having the same problem at the moment with custom Modules and a bunch of User Gen. Files. I posted my own discussion and trying to work on the problem now. If I find a solution I'll share it.
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