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Problem EE Keeper changing weapon proficiencies no effect

olegbenlolegolegbenloleg Member Posts: 14
Hi, I tried to give Yoshimo and Minsc some extra points in weapon proficiencies, With Yoshimo it worked just fine. I gave him +3 in Short Bows and his THAC0 changed correspondingly.
When I tried to change Mins ability in Two-Handed Swords* from +1 to +3 this should have changed his damage roll. But strange enough not only the +3 wasn't applied I now had zero proficiency in my damage calculation so that I made less damage with my +3 than with the +1 before. In my character sheet it says correctly Two-Handed Swords: +3* but effect 0.
Any ideas welcome.
*P.S. I mean Two-handed weapon style
Post edited by olegbenloleg on


  • KhyronKhyron Member Posts: 639
    I'm just gonna make an assumption here and say it's down to how the classes are structured "behind the scenes"

    In truth, what you've done is give them illegal weapon proficiencies.. for some reason the bounty hunter kit will allow this, where as the unkitted ranger class will not. Why it's like this i can not say, i'm not even sure my assumption is correct but it seems to compute in my head.. the infinity engine is weird like that.

    If you set Minsc to 2 points of proficiency it will probably work just fine.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,938
    No, illegal proficiencies work just fine regardless of class. Non-warriors don't get the APR benefit for specialization and beyond, but that's all.

    More likely, you just weren't targeting the right proficiency. All versions of Minsc - even the level 1 version in BG1 - start with two dots in two-handed swords, not one.
  • olegbenlolegolegbenloleg Member Posts: 14
    edited April 2023
    Hi, thanks for replies. First I made a mistake:
    " All versions of Minsc - even the level 1 version in BG1 - start with two dots in two-handed swords, not one."
    That is correct. I actually meant the Two-weapon fighting style that doesn't change your THAC0 but your damage roll.
    When I change that to +2 or +3 it shows correctly in the character sheet but no bonus in the damage and even the old +1 bonus from the one point in Two weapon proficiency he originally had is lost.
    I tried distracting other proficiency points because I thought I hit some hidden max point level but to no avail.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,938
    Two-weapon style doesn't change your damage, at any level. Higher proficiency levels mean you take lower penalties to your attack roll when wielding one-handed weapons in both hands. If you gave Minsc a pair of maces, he'd care about this; the third dot would mean he only took -2 with his off hand instead of -4. (He starts with two, because rangers get that for free)

    Two-handed style would increase your damage when wielding a two-handed melee weapon. One dot gives you +1 damage, twice as many critical hits, and a two-point speed improvement. The second dot doubles that speed improvement, without changing any of the other numbers. There is no third dot. Minsc starts with nothing in this style. And this is what you didn't take.

    In either case, weapon styles have no effect unless you're wielding exactly that combination in your two hands. Between weapon/shield style, single-weapon style, two-weapon style, and two-handed style, exactly one of them will apply at any given time when you're fighting in melee.
  • olegbenlolegolegbenloleg Member Posts: 14
    edited April 2023
    Thanks for your patience. :
    jmerry wrote: »
    Two-weapon style doesn't change your damage, at any level. Higher proficiency levels mean you take lower penalties to your attack roll when wielding one-handed weapons in both hands. If you gave Minsc a pair of maces, he'd care about this; the third dot would mean he only took -2 with his off hand instead of -4. (He starts with two, because rangers get that for free)

    Two-handed style would increase your damage when wielding a two-handed melee weapon. One dot gives you +1 damage, twice as many critical hits, and a two-point speed improvement. The second dot doubles that speed improvement, without changing any of the other numbers. There is no third dot. Minsc starts with nothing in this style. And this is what you didn't take.

    In either case, weapon styles have no effect unless you're wielding exactly that combination in your two hands. Between weapon/shield style, single-weapon style, two-weapon style, and two-handed style, exactly one of them will apply at any given time when you're fighting in melee.

    1: What I really meant was Two-handed style. :# (Now I've got it, took some time I know)
    2: But it's still strange that Minsc looses that +1 damage when I give him more than one point in this style.
    3: I know
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,938
    So ... you're saying that you gave him three dots in two-handed style, and that didn't do anything. Well, of course. There's a table (a 2DA file) that the weapon style bonuses are drawn from, and in the case of two-handed style it only goes to 2. You ran off the edge of the table, and when you do that al the bonus values default to zero.
  • olegbenlolegolegbenloleg Member Posts: 14
    edited April 2023
    "Well, of course." Well anyway you are absolutely right. When I give him only 2 points I don't loose the bonus.
    Thanks very much for your patience and competence.
    Post edited by olegbenloleg on
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