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sorry i have another question about NWNEE

moving_targetmoving_target Member Posts: 13
edited April 2023 in General Discussions NWN:EE
why all hill giants hurling their rocks that always hit? doesn't all weapon throwing action need to pass the hit roll first? is this correct for D&D rule?

and there has another logical contradiction in the story of The Wailing Death of Neverwinter. there has a fire giant clan who served an ancient red dragon Klauth. but we know all fire giants are immune to fire, so they also immune to all red dragons' breath, as those red dragons, they obviously should fear other dragon kind much more, because they don't immune to lightning, cold, poison...etc

yes, all dragons are potential sorcerers and they also have much physical power, but their breath weapons are their most terrible weapons, so compare to Klauth's breath weapon cannot work on them, they should consider Klauth is less threat than other dragons in the area, right?
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  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    the reason why the giant's rocks always hit is because you get a reflex save for half damage, if you have evasion/ improved evasion and pass the save you take no damage

    usually how "special ranged attacks" work is that if it hits no matter what, you get a reflex for half, or if it requires an attack roll ( usually a touch attack ) there is no save for half damage/no effect, you take the full effect

    as for the fire giants serving klauth despite the fact the giants may be indeed immune to fire, klauth's overall battle prowess is far and above and beyond those of fire giants, also, "lore wise" as long as he sucks up dragon essences he is basically immortal

    infact, even the gold dragon fears klath's power, so it isn't completely far fetched for the fire giants to serve him, plus when it comes to giantkin, fire giants are hardly the strongest, with cloud and storm giants completely dominate fire giants, so i say it checks out
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