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Killing Hjollder without screwing up the game's progression

OlderThan13YearsOlderThan13Years Member Posts: 79
Hi there,

it's been about 20 years since the last time I really played IWD to the end so I am somewhat rusty and need some help:

Is there a way to kill Hjollder that doesn't prevents me from starting Heart of Winter and allows me to finish the main quest? What I actually want is his Warhammer +4:Defender. I know it's probably possible using a spell caster but I would like to know a method that works for a solo dwarven defender. Maybe one can get his weapon during the HoW quest, so killing is not necessary, but I dunno.

With a mage or a similar class you could bring him down to 1 HP than charm him, initialize his dialog and than kill him using a delayed damage effect (e.g. poisson) before you get teleported to the expansion (there's a small time window after the dialog in Kuldahar and before the teleportation). So if there's an item for non-mages that allows to charm people, it can be done.

Perhaps it's possible from HoW but assume you need him to get back to Kuldahar?

Any thoughts on this?


  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    You could probably drop him with thief traps but I'm not sure what would happen or if you could grab the hammer if the transition starts b4 his death. My advice would be just to CLUA in the hammer if you can, or CLUA Hjolder back in after his death. Breaks immersion I know, but it's the easiest option. Let me know if you find a solution. I love little tidbits like this!
  • OlderThan13YearsOlderThan13Years Member Posts: 79
    edited April 2023
    Of course, I meant without using the console. ;-) I am not so much worried about breaking immersion but want to cheat in a fair way. It turned out that he had a 1-HP belt preventing him from being killed. That means attribute draining or insta-kill weapons are required. Sorcerers can use the mind flayer transformation to suck his brain out and I assume archers' called shot can also terminate him. For a dwarfen defender there aren't any obvious options or maybe they exist but I haven't found them. I found a petrifying flail but killing him this way destroys his hammer... So I don't know how to get it yet but will let you know if I find a way.
    Balrog99 wrote: »
    You could probably drop him with thief traps but I'm not sure what would happen or if you could grab the hammer if the transition starts b4 his death.

    Probably that's going to be difficult. It seems that the transition from Kuldahar to HoW starts right after ending his dialog (pause button doesn't work). The only way to get him seems to be during the HoW quest line.
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