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Multiplayer - party members can't see eachother moving, not closing dialogue window

ReoyeahReoyeah Member Posts: 10
edited November 2012 in Multiplayer
Hey guys.

I'm not sure if I'm just bad at searching, but I couldn't find any solution for this problem.
I started a multiplayer campaign with my two friends, but they couldn't see eachother moving, I mean only host of the game could see other players following him, but from their perspective the other player was standing still, he could only see the host moving.

The second problem is about the dialogues. For example: when the host starts a dialogue with an NPC other players normally can see the dialogue interface, and that's ok. But when the host finishes conversation with NPC, other players still have the dialogue interface opened and can't do anything about it.

Is it some common bug that just needs some patch?

If someone already posted the solution for this bug, I'm sorry.


  • ClockworkClockwork Member Posts: 6
    Same thing happens to me playing with 3 others. We tried switching hosts and it kept happening.
  • WeimdogWeimdog Member Posts: 4
    Hi all,

    My group of four had the same crippling problems that I'm reading about here. It seems like for every post claiming that hamachi is the fix (I've used hamachi a ton before with great results) there are two saying it does not fix the issues. There is a unique but tedious method that seems to help us out, although disconnects were common but fairly quick to fix. Our workaround was as follows:

    The host has to open or forward UDP 27630!

    The host starts the game.
    The second partymember joins. As long as the host can see his name when he joins, he is fine.
    The third member must join the game, so that he can see character arbitration. Note that at this point the second player will not be able to see him. Then he has to exit the program completely, re-launch it, and join again. The second player should now be able to see the third player. The players must be able to see eachother's names in character arbitration before the game will run properly. (I realize this makes no sense but it seemed to work last night)

    The fourth player has to join character arbitration, then exit the program, then join the game again. The same thing as the third player. On his first join, players 2 and 3 will not see him. On his second join, he will be visible.

    This doesn't fix the constant DC'ing in-game, but at least you can play a little.

    Also, to fix the dialouge issue the players who are stuck can try pressing escape, otherwise another partymember has to initiate any other dialouge and it will free them.
  • raelcariraelcari Member Posts: 133
    Any more ideas on how to fix this one? Happens to me too, had no luck with the above fix tho.
    2 players is fine, but when a 3rd joins, the 2nd and 3rd player can't see each other.
  • ReoyeahReoyeah Member Posts: 10
    It looks like we have to wait for the team to fix this bug. I hope they will do something with it soon :D
  • raelcariraelcari Member Posts: 133
    Reoyeah said:

    It looks like we have to wait for the team to fix this bug. I hope they will do something with it soon :D

    but I want it now... ;)
  • EdHousdenEdHousden Member Posts: 40
    Hopefully they'll fix this soon. Me, my brother and my friend are recreating the party from our d&d 2nd edition adventure. It's going to be awesome.
  • JamshismJamshism Member Posts: 3
    This happens in our game as well, tried many suggested fixes with no luck.
  • realkindrealkind Member Posts: 2
    Yep, same exact problem here, the game works like a charm when we're two players but as soon as there is a third or more, we just cant play... Constant crashes on changemap, cant rest, dialog box stays opened and of course anytime u want to restart the game EVERY player has to restart the WHOLE game.
    Weimdog said:

    Hi all,

    My group of four had the same crippling problems that I'm reading about here. It seems like for every post claiming that hamachi is the fix (I've used hamachi a ton before with great results) there are two saying it does not fix the issues. There is a unique but tedious method that seems to help us out, although disconnects were common but fairly quick to fix. Our workaround was as follows:

    The host has to open or forward UDP 27630!

    The host starts the game.
    The second partymember joins. As long as the host can see his name when he joins, he is fine.
    The third member must join the game, so that he can see character arbitration. Note that at this point the second player will not be able to see him. Then he has to exit the program completely, re-launch it, and join again. The second player should now be able to see the third player. The players must be able to see eachother's names in character arbitration before the game will run properly. (I realize this makes no sense but it seemed to work last night)

    The fourth player has to join character arbitration, then exit the program, then join the game again. The same thing as the third player. On his first join, players 2 and 3 will not see him. On his second join, he will be visible.

    This doesn't fix the constant DC'ing in-game, but at least you can play a little.

    Also, to fix the dialouge issue the players who are stuck can try pressing escape, otherwise another partymember has to initiate any other dialouge and it will free them.

    That worked a little, but as you say, constant DC'ing and still some crashes, but the join/quit/rejoin allows us to play a little at least

    Please Beamdog fix this, it shouldnt be hard as the game works well with 2 players!
  • BoxBox Member Posts: 2
    I remember having this same issue with this game thirteen years ago. Multiplayer support? Ha.
  • ZarthecZarthec Member Posts: 2
    I'm flashing back a decade to when I had these problems the first time :/ Except now there's this dialogue thing and clicking other player's portraits causes the game to crash as well.
  • TullianTullian Member Posts: 1
    This bug has been widely documented and even acknowledged by a BG:EE employee via twitter that they are not only not close to fixing it but not working on it. Ipad/Android launch is eating all their time and they will be devoting zero time to Multiplayer untill singleplayer on all platforms run smoothly. This is especially upsetting to me because I had a group of friends waiting for launch day to play together and it is just simply not possible. I would have been okay if a dev would even acknowledge the frustration but they have no sympathy for us and simply respond with play singleplayer.
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648

    FYI All - if you want to post bugs, try to do it here:

    Please note the "Current Behavior" and "Expected Behavior" formats the OP describes when recording your bug.

  • PencilPencil Member Posts: 16
    Weimdog said:

    Hi all,

    My group of four had the same crippling problems that I'm reading about here. It seems like for every post claiming that hamachi is the fix (I've used hamachi a ton before with great results) there are two saying it does not fix the issues. There is a unique but tedious method that seems to help us out, although disconnects were common but fairly quick to fix. Our workaround was as follows:

    The host has to open or forward UDP 27630!

    The host starts the game.
    The second partymember joins. As long as the host can see his name when he joins, he is fine.
    The third member must join the game, so that he can see character arbitration. Note that at this point the second player will not be able to see him. Then he has to exit the program completely, re-launch it, and join again. The second player should now be able to see the third player. The players must be able to see eachother's names in character arbitration before the game will run properly. (I realize this makes no sense but it seemed to work last night)

    The fourth player has to join character arbitration, then exit the program, then join the game again. The same thing as the third player. On his first join, players 2 and 3 will not see him. On his second join, he will be visible.

    This doesn't fix the constant DC'ing in-game, but at least you can play a little.

    Also, to fix the dialouge issue the players who are stuck can try pressing escape, otherwise another partymember has to initiate any other dialouge and it will free them.

    This is the method me and my friends took, and if anybody is interesting we found another useful quirk. We were experience dcing/crashing every time we changed maps. A work around we found for this is to let the host take control of every-bodies characters before you zone. Once you've changed maps you can assign everybody back their characters. With your work around + this one combined the multiplayer finally seems playable.

    Hope this helps somebody.
  • grenagrena Member Posts: 1
    Same problem here.

    Host can see each players moving, but players can't see other player moving. We should can see all players moving.
  • ReoyeahReoyeah Member Posts: 10
    Okay guys, this bug has been posted on Bug Reporting Process thread :)
  • realkindrealkind Member Posts: 2
    Pencil said:

    Weimdog said:

    Hi all,

    My group of four had the same crippling problems that I'm reading about here. It seems like for every post claiming that hamachi is the fix (I've used hamachi a ton before with great results) there are two saying it does not fix the issues. There is a unique but tedious method that seems to help us out, although disconnects were common but fairly quick to fix. Our workaround was as follows:

    The host has to open or forward UDP 27630!

    The host starts the game.
    The second partymember joins. As long as the host can see his name when he joins, he is fine.
    The third member must join the game, so that he can see character arbitration. Note that at this point the second player will not be able to see him. Then he has to exit the program completely, re-launch it, and join again. The second player should now be able to see the third player. The players must be able to see eachother's names in character arbitration before the game will run properly. (I realize this makes no sense but it seemed to work last night)

    The fourth player has to join character arbitration, then exit the program, then join the game again. The same thing as the third player. On his first join, players 2 and 3 will not see him. On his second join, he will be visible.

    This doesn't fix the constant DC'ing in-game, but at least you can play a little.

    Also, to fix the dialouge issue the players who are stuck can try pressing escape, otherwise another partymember has to initiate any other dialouge and it will free them.

    This is the method me and my friends took, and if anybody is interesting we found another useful quirk. We were experience dcing/crashing every time we changed maps. A work around we found for this is to let the host take control of every-bodies characters before you zone. Once you've changed maps you can assign everybody back their characters. With your work around + this one combined the multiplayer finally seems playable.

    Hope this helps somebody.
    Nice one dude, almost playable! Stays the resting problem (cant unpause after resting, at least at inns)
  • wisecronywisecrony Member Posts: 3
    edited December 2012
    To fix the indoor sleeping bug, you need to add 2 new files in the movies folder.(C:\Program Files (x86)\Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition\Data\00766\movies). You need to make 2 copies of the rest.wbm file and rename the new copies "restinn.wbm" and "restdung.wbm". So now you should have 3 rest videos (the original and the 2 new ones). Everyone in your multiplayer party needs to do this.

    Doing this fixed it for me, and I have tested it on 4 other computers, so it seems to be a legit fix!
  • WeimdogWeimdog Member Posts: 4
    Thanks Pencil and wisecrony for the tips. I hope these workarounds help everyone play the game, and possibly even help Beamdog figure out a real solution to this mess haha.
  • roberterikssonroberteriksson Member Posts: 8
    Please fix this, multiplayer is the best way to experience BG.
  • ElizabethSterlingElizabethSterling Member Posts: 39
    We found a far easier workaround for map transitions. We found it'll crash whenever the host initiates them but if a client initiates them they'll typically work just fine. Go figure.
  • raelcariraelcari Member Posts: 133
    most workarounds here are really good, but unfortunately it boils down to the 2nd/3rd player issue anyway... :(
  • MalbortusMalbortus Member Posts: 106
    Tullian said:

    This bug has been widely documented and even acknowledged by a BG:EE employee via twitter that they are not only not close to fixing it but not working on it. Ipad/Android launch is eating all their time and they will be devoting zero time to Multiplayer untill singleplayer on all platforms run smoothly.

    I'm not sure if that's a wise approach, since they will disappoint iPad and Android players looking to multiplay, at least for a while.
  • ChromeXuChromeXu Member Posts: 2
    un-pause the game..
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