Stuck in Hillsfar Tyrants of the Moonsea

I am completely stuck and cannot seem to progress in the module at all once I got out of the arena and killed Wak and the Innovator of Pain in the Dreadspire. I even found the Priest of Ilmater to tell him about Father Garth's sacrifice, but that is the last thing I'm able to do.
The only other person in the Temple District besides those in the Temple of Tempus is the lone guard at the entrance to the Merchant District. That gate is the only one I can get through after speaking with him.
There doesn't appear to be anyone else in the Merchant District to whom I can speak besides the merchants who offer no new dialog options since the last time we spoke.
According to the same walkthrough everyone else has linked to in various other TotM threads, the next thing I should be doing is going into Laris' Curios to talk to someone to get to the next area, but I can't even get into that shop. The door is locked and the dialog options are to knock on the door or try to bash it down. Neither choice results in anything.
I'm at a loss. I was enjoying the module quite a bit up to this point, but now am frustrated.
Also, I noticed that many people are saying you need to get the +7 against Outsiders buff to a weapon to get past some later content, but the altar in the temple only allows for melee weapons to get buffed, and I'm playing an unarmed strike-based monk. I'm not allowed to buff my gloves. Sounds like it's not even worth me continuing with this class and build?
The only other person in the Temple District besides those in the Temple of Tempus is the lone guard at the entrance to the Merchant District. That gate is the only one I can get through after speaking with him.
There doesn't appear to be anyone else in the Merchant District to whom I can speak besides the merchants who offer no new dialog options since the last time we spoke.
According to the same walkthrough everyone else has linked to in various other TotM threads, the next thing I should be doing is going into Laris' Curios to talk to someone to get to the next area, but I can't even get into that shop. The door is locked and the dialog options are to knock on the door or try to bash it down. Neither choice results in anything.
I'm at a loss. I was enjoying the module quite a bit up to this point, but now am frustrated.
Also, I noticed that many people are saying you need to get the +7 against Outsiders buff to a weapon to get past some later content, but the altar in the temple only allows for melee weapons to get buffed, and I'm playing an unarmed strike-based monk. I'm not allowed to buff my gloves. Sounds like it's not even worth me continuing with this class and build?