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SCS hiccup

barker262barker262 Member Posts: 83
G'day all, I recently updated both BG ee and BG 2ee to version 2.6. Have been trying to reinstall my suit of mods to both ever since. One issue I'm having is mentioned in the SCS readme;

Make spell sequencers and contingencies into innate abilities
Deprecated: This component is currently unavailable due to bugs.

I have used this feature for years in SCS version 33.7 and earlier but in the latest version, 34.3, it is no longer active. I've tried to use the previous version but it seem to reject the beamdog update. Are any of you using this component of SCS? Or has anyone discovered a work around? Can the feature be added to characters through EE keeper?


  • InKalInKal Member Posts: 196
    This actually cheat is buggy and should not be installed. Also it is also ridicoulus cheat because in case of Edwin it makes Edwin weaker not stronger.
  • barker262barker262 Member Posts: 83
    This actually cheat is buggy and should not be installed.

    Ever reloaded a save after you or a favorite party member were killed? Isnt that cheating?
    And as I said before I used the previous version for years without encountering a bug.
  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    See and onwards for the explanation. The bugs are legitimate with that component.
  • barker262barker262 Member Posts: 83
    I'll have a look..
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,938
    I took a look at that link. I don't see any bugs with the innate sequencers themselves. I see a bug with the version of Mind Blank added by SCS (fixed in v34), and I see a bug with Raise Dead effects (fixed in patch 2.6). Both bugs would break any kind of sequencer, not just the innate versions.
  • barker262barker262 Member Posts: 83
    I've found a mod that has the same effect. Didn't use any of the other features but some were interesting. Just experimenting now and it seems to work.
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