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Help a newbie? Question about charging into combat in NWNEE ??

AceonAceon Member Posts: 5
edited May 2023 in New Members Welcome Area
Hi all! I just got NWNEE and got the PRC correctly installed. Looking to play a Samurai and going for Iaijutsu Master later on. Since this build is crazy MAD my strength is remedy this and be somewhat playable at low levels I decided to take two charging feats at 1st level:

Furious Charge & Powerful Charge - the use of both is supposed to be automatic, but not once did my character ever benefit from them...turns out the "Charge" itself is NOT automatic, so those feats did not trigger.

It has taken me a couple of days to even figure out HOW to charge! So, now that I found it...I have to go down several menu trees to get to it. Needless to say this is very cumbersome in a fast-paced fight. Yes, in single player I can pause the game and get all that stuff prepped and then Charge into combat...but is there a way to put "Charge" attack action on a hot button?

Thanks very much!

*edit* found it! You need to just right click on the hot button to select something to put there. Whereas with an item you can just drag it to the hot key.

So, next question: Is there a way to put a skill in the hot button? I want to use Iaijutsu Focus but so far have been unable to. I know it will mostly only work in the 1st round and if I win initiative, but of course that is also when I will be charging.

So if anyone knows how to put a skill in the hot button or how to use Iaijutsu Focus skill at all, please tell me. Thanks! :)
Post edited by Aceon on


  • AceonAceon Member Posts: 5
    Update: It very much looks like the ability to use the Iaijutsu Focus skill is locked into only being used by the Iaijutsu Master prestige class and even then its only at 5th level, that would make the character 12th level before they can use the all.

    I am trying to locate the resref for the Iaijutsu Attack ability in feats.2da - but I am unable to open the hak file to find it!

    Is there anyone who is knowledgeable about the PRC (Player Resource Consortium) files who might know which feat # this attack is? I know it is unlocked at IM 5th but anyone with the skill should be able to use it at 1st level, provided you win initiate, there is a decent chance to score an extra 1d6 damage or 2d6 with maxed out IF skill and decent Charisma. That is how I built my character and it kinda sucks not being able to use it till 12th level.
  • ber5nie5ber5nie5 Member Posts: 430
    Sorry to say that I've never played a Samurai so I know nothing about that class. :'(

    I would however like to give you a great big, warm welcome to the forum though! Happy adventuring! B)
  • Allanon81Allanon81 Member Posts: 356
    @Aceon I think if I remember correctly when you level up you can put skill points into Iaijutsu focus.
  • AceonAceon Member Posts: 5
    edited June 2023
    Hello, thank you both for your answers. I have been learning modding and scripting for NVN ee for the last month or so. I have figured out some answers to these questions. Only the Iaijutsu Master can use Iajutsu Focus skill at all. It is structured as a class feat called "Iaijutsu Attack" and its in the radial dial and I can set up a hot key for it to use it quicker in combat.

    It sucks to have to have a sub-par character for 12 levels before you can use your one-trick-pony skill, but there it is.

    To fix the problems I learned to slightly edit some of the 2da files to give this ability to the Iaijutsu Master at 1st level instead of 5th. 1st level Iaijutsu Master prestige class is still a 7th level character, so still waiting 7 levels to use a skill you should be able to use at 1st character level. Also the "Strike from the Void" class ability is literally the only reason someone would consider playing an IM and in the OA rule book that ability is gained at 5th level Iaijutsu Master (which is a minimum 12th level character). The PRC changed it to 10th level IM...or minimum 17th level character.

    So, I fixed that too.

    Now my character is somewhat playable...although there are still some problems.

    The use of the skill itself is EXTREMELY CLUNKY. For a character class that is supposed to be all about a blindingly fast sword takes FOREVER. To use the skill. You have to pause the game to set it up. You have to win initiative, so of course you put as much character resources as possible into initiative so you can win it. I am playing in Hordes of the Underdark so even if you carry a torch everything is dark and the enemies always attack before you even roll initiative, so they are almost never flat-footed. And being flat-footed is the prerequisite condition to use the Quick Draw - Iaijutsu Attack.

    The authors of the PRC really gimped the character class. Either they hated the class or they just didn't understand how it works but even still, its no excuse to take liberties with giving the class abilities at the wrong levels...just cuz they felt like it?

    So if you carry a torch, then you can't use your Quick Draw -Iaijutsu Attack. I don't know why. They insisted both hands have to be empty to use it. They wrote this into the script. But that is not at all how the actual rule books created the class. There is no good reason for this. Especially considering NVN ee - hard codes Katana/bastard sword as one handed ONLY.

    There are a number of other clunky unwieldly problems with using the skill in combat and I had learned some NVW coding and scripting to fix these problems to restore the class to work the way the actual D&D rule books says it does...but sadly, I can't compile any scripts when using the PRC hakpak.

    So I am stuck.

    If anyone can read this post and knows how to edit something inside a hakpak AND get it to compile...PLEASE TELL ME.

    This is so damn frustrating that it has become almost an obsession with me to get this class to work properly. I have dozens of hours of learning and trial and error into this in just one month! lol

    Thanks in advance to anyone who can help! :)
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