How can I disable all Player's combat abilities?

I am developing a module where in many locations, for plot reasons, the player shouldn't be allowed to attack anything or cast spells. Of course I can set all NPCs and placeables to be indestructible but I think it would be much more elegant to disable directly via script the player's offensive capabilities.
Is there any way to do this? Thanks in advance.
I am developing a module where in many locations, for plot reasons, the player shouldn't be allowed to attack anything or cast spells. Of course I can set all NPCs and placeables to be indestructible but I think it would be much more elegant to disable directly via script the player's offensive capabilities.
Is there any way to do this? Thanks in advance.
You can disable casting - see for example Lilac Soul's spell hooking tutorial in the Lexicon.
So there is no a simple way to prevent the PC's attack action...
However the plot option works fine enough so I guess I have to settle for it.
I will update the game, then I'll try!