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spells.2da not showing expected collumns - any ideas?

AquillaAquilla Member Posts: 4
Not sure if this is the correct location for this discussion but couldn't find a more appropriate place and other related topics have been posted here, so going to give it ago.

I'm dabbling in spells.2da to set up a feat spell script, and I noticed that the spells.2da file I have doesn't have the same collumns as those listed in the spells.2da details. In particular, my file is missing SubRadSpell6-8, TargetShape, TargetSizeX, TargetSizeY, and TargetFlags. SubRadSpell6-8 are explicitly marked in the as being added with EE, and my guess would be the Target collumns are too.

What's strange is that I extracted this file from my EE installation folder. When I went back in with NWNExplorer to double-check the files there, the spells.2da file in ...\nwn_base.key\data\base_2da.bif has the same missing collumns.

Anyone know what's going on here? As far as I'm aware, everything in-game is working as expected (AoE target areas included, as tested with an alchemist's fire flask -- I assume that's what the Target columns do). Am I missing something about how to access the correct .2da files, something that changed with EE specifically?


  • AquillaAquilla Member Posts: 4
    Sorted this out mostly by grabbing a copy of the 8193.35 2da files from here, courtesy of Shadooow. It still only seems to have SubRadSpell1-5, though, so idk why the lists an additional 3 SubRad collumns that just... don't seem to exist?

    (Also notable that the does seem to be out-of-date atm with respect to certain other .2da files - for example, the SkipSpellSelection collumn in classes.2da is not included. I assume this allows you to prevent players from selecting spells on level up with spellcasting classes but it is unclear if it has any other functionality as the changelog only mentions that it is "added", not what it actually does.)
  • ShadowMShadowM Member Posts: 573
    The spell.2da supports up to 8 SubRadSpell, but the official spell.2da has not been updated to show SubRadSpell6, SubRadSpell7, SubRadSpell8. I will ask them about updating on next release candidate. Since .35 was just released and it not major crash level issue then I do not think it a hotfix release candidate for them. You can update the spell.2da yourself and you be fine. I have already done this myself.
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