He should be present on the ship in the harbour on the south side of Nebunturn. However, he only appears during the day (encounters in Nebunturn change depending on whether or not its day or night). If you need further help, can ask. The game should come with a walkthrough, and I try to check feedback and messages on the game fairly frequently
I've had that "no heads" problem before. It's because you don't have an expansion "head pack" installed locally. Once it's installed (in the overrides folder, I believe), you'll see all chars with their heads.
When I last playtested/downloaded my own mod (I go by sir_mang at the nwvault), the heads were working OK. However, it may be worthwhile checking if you already have anything in your development folder, and to make sure you're using the mod with the Community Expansion Pack 3.03 . When I tried to playtest using the latest version of the CEP (3.1) I think I may have had some problems with some of the heads.
Hope that's helpful. Keep me posted - will help if I can.
Maybe, at some point in the future. I'm currently dividing my spare time when I'm not at work between moving/revising chapter 1/working on the alpha for chapter 2. I'm still very much so learning the ins and outs of the toolset myself. To update to CEP 3.1, I suspect I'd need to re-jig the heads in the main tothak file that comes with the mod to make sure things don't crap out, or just go through all the NPC's manually to make sure things don't look weird.
Perhaps when I get a little more time? That, or when there are more updates to the CEP? Maybe I'll just finish the saga, though that will take years, then just go back and update it all? Who knows, lol.
Regardless, let me know if you choose to play with CEP 3.03, and if that resolves your problem. If it doesn't I'm not sure how much help I'll be in the short-term, but I'm always interested in issues or things I need to bugfix. Thanks!
Hmmm, actually, in retrospect, maybe I will see if I can update it to CEP 3.1....Don't know what the turn-around time on that will be though. Was just taking a look into some of the issues. Lol, part of the problem I think is me putting things into hak files and forgetting what, when and why, haha.
Srrsly tho, do let me know if you find out what the issue is with the heads.
It was that- played again- well worth it- found out Wynn's sex os determined by the PC - was female the first time, male the second.
A couple things-
When finding the basement prison guard, you can only ask her in the initial dialogue if she needs healing. I didn't have a kit at the time until I took care of the imprisoned imposter maid. I got two healing kits, but when I went back down, the offer to heal wasn't there any more.
Also, if your imagination kicks in again, I was hoping I would find a FINAL diary on the father's body of him writing about the even more scarier details until his final days... like him trying to reason with his son- he escapes the mausoleum, but the drowned ones get him before he can make it back home. With that short of time, I presume the last entry would have him stating his final visit to the mausoleum.
Or maybe it could be, if I remember the story right, a note to Rasputin stating a sad,
"Rasputin, if you have found this note, you know I am no longer here. I made a grave mistake of trusting a peddler who dealt with magical scrolls. Whether it was his dark magic, or I was too inexperienced to invoke the scroll, it is no longer safe here on Saniest Isle.
Actually, I believe it was on his end as he probably knew I could not repay him the favor that we agreed on for the future in exchange for this reincarnation scroll. He probably planned to use my son for evil purposes after the rest of my family and I were dealt with.
The text is in a safe in the lighthouse and its key is on me for safe keeping. Rasputin, after you obtain the book, PLEASE JUST LEAVE. You CANNOT harm what is coming out of the mausoleum now, so you must NOT linger here! Do NOT investigate and find a most powerful mage to cast an earthquake to separate our land to the north. That way, the undead are cannot traverse in the direction towards other lands and the ocean is their barrier to the south. Don't think about Phineas; just find Cosmin, and put an end to his evil.
This family's history comes to its end..."
Other than that, am looking forward to part 2- psychology in gaming has proven that second parts are so radical from the first because the environments are so different in order to keep the player interested: the first part was in a populated town, the second, a single family farmstead.
Thanks for the feedback. Glad it worked out for you. Many dialogue points in the game only appear once - part of that is to maintain challenge (e.g. if the player doesn't have enough skill ranks to get a desirable result, bummer, you failed the skill check/lost the reward) but also to prevent characters from escaping from dialogue trees after receiving a reward, going back in, triggering the reward again (e.g. for infinite xp, etc.), rinse shoot repeat.
Heh, a largely rural and isolated setting will be a theme across (most) of the series - but I do try to change things up with various gimmicks to keep people interested. The mod series was based on a PNP campaign I've done in various forms of the years - and players do like a bit of variety, even if they also like consistency across an overarching theme. As for putting another journal entry in the father's diary - well - I would argue part of any cosmic horror setting - even one with heavy gothic influences - is trying to leave a few things somewhat mysterious
Yeah, one of the things I am aiming for is a wide range of skill/enemy/roleplaying challenges throughout each chapter of the series. Keeps me interested too, not just the players
But you understand the suspense level of a father's writing, correct:
As in your walkthrough, the mother's was interesting, the sister's was more scarier as they delve deeper into the story. She talks only in dreams of a merman, but the father could write actual experience inside the mausoleum as checking on his son everyday to notice change, like first seeing Renata at the end and then after picking up the key and heading back, she is halfway of her transformation until you meet her in the chamber.
For the second, I'd love if you use a set from Rogue Knight's latest Swordflight: https://neverwintervault.org/project/nwn1/module/swordflight-chapter-five It's the first I've seen of a house that's actually underwater. I believe it's his own hack, so he'd have to tell you where he got it or if he made it.
PC steps through a mirror and there is like a room with dead monsters as a background (not as objects to click on). I thought of you including that in part 2 as well.
Perhaps Proleric too can inform you about the hack.
For information, CEP 3 isn't necessarily newer or better than CEP 2.x . CEP is an open project with two forks, as the wiki explains.
Crown of Creation was made with CEP 2.x (plus a small custom hak, whose content is mostly in CEP 2.x anyway now). If you're interested, the Heart of Darkness is the area in question.
But you understand the suspense level of a father's writing, correct:
As in your walkthrough, the mother's was interesting, the sister's was more scarier as they delve deeper into the story. She talks only in dreams of a merman, but the father could write actual experience inside the mausoleum as checking on his son everyday to notice change, like first seeing Renata at the end and then after picking up the key and heading back, she is halfway of her transformation until you meet her in the chamber.
For the second, I'd love if you use a set from Rogue Knight's latest Swordflight: https://neverwintervault.org/project/nwn1/module/swordflight-chapter-five It's the first I've seen of a house that's actually underwater. I believe it's his own hack, so he'd have to tell you where he got it or if he made it.
I'll keep that sort of thing in mind. I've played through some of Rogueknight's stuff - but I'm just waiting for swordflight chapter 6 to come out before finishing off his stuff. As you may have guessed, I do enjoy challenging modules.
... For the second, I'd love if you use a set from Rogue Knight's latest Swordflight: https://neverwintervault.org/project/nwn1/module/swordflight-chapter-five It's the first I've seen of a house that's actually underwater. I believe it's his own hack, so he'd have to tell you where he got it or if he made it.
Just to clarify, the underwater house is Swordflight Ch. 5 was done using the so-called "tile magic" scripting commands (can be looked up on the NWN lexicon and probably other places). It is a scripted visual effect and does not use custom content. It was being done on a custom one in that particular case but theoretically could be used with any tileset.
Lol, sorry for the necro months after the fact. Not sure whether to answer that comment with a resounding "yes, yes it does allow him to walk on land" or consider altering scripts to keep him below water. Love the screenshot though.
He should be present on the ship in the harbour on the south side of Nebunturn. However, he only appears during the day (encounters in Nebunturn change depending on whether or not its day or night). If you need further help, can ask. The game should come with a walkthrough, and I try to check feedback and messages on the game fairly frequently
Thanks for playing
Half the characters, mostly males, don't have any heads.
When I last playtested/downloaded my own mod (I go by sir_mang at the nwvault), the heads were working OK. However, it may be worthwhile checking if you already have anything in your development folder, and to make sure you're using the mod with the Community Expansion Pack 3.03 . When I tried to playtest using the latest version of the CEP (3.1) I think I may have had some problems with some of the heads.
Hope that's helpful. Keep me posted - will help if I can.
Perhaps when I get a little more time? That, or when there are more updates to the CEP? Maybe I'll just finish the saga, though that will take years, then just go back and update it all? Who knows, lol.
Regardless, let me know if you choose to play with CEP 3.03, and if that resolves your problem. If it doesn't I'm not sure how much help I'll be in the short-term, but I'm always interested in issues or things I need to bugfix. Thanks!
Srrsly tho, do let me know if you find out what the issue is with the heads.
A couple things-
When finding the basement prison guard, you can only ask her in the initial dialogue if she needs healing. I didn't have a kit at the time until I took care of the imprisoned imposter maid. I got two healing kits, but when I went back down, the offer to heal wasn't there any more.
Also, if your imagination kicks in again, I was hoping I would find a FINAL diary on the father's body of him writing about the even more scarier details until his final days... like him trying to reason with his son- he escapes the mausoleum, but the drowned ones get him before he can make it back home. With that short of time, I presume the last entry would have him stating his final visit to the mausoleum.
Or maybe it could be, if I remember the story right, a note to Rasputin stating a sad,
"Rasputin, if you have found this note, you know I am no longer here. I made a grave mistake of trusting a peddler who dealt with magical scrolls. Whether it was his dark magic, or I was too inexperienced to invoke the scroll, it is no longer safe here on Saniest Isle.
Actually, I believe it was on his end as he probably knew I could not repay him the favor that we agreed on for the future in exchange for this reincarnation scroll. He probably planned to use my son for evil purposes after the rest of my family and I were dealt with.
The text is in a safe in the lighthouse and its key is on me for safe keeping. Rasputin, after you obtain the book, PLEASE JUST LEAVE. You CANNOT harm what is coming out of the mausoleum now, so you must NOT linger here! Do NOT investigate and find a most powerful mage to cast an earthquake to separate our land to the north. That way, the undead are cannot traverse in the direction towards other lands and the ocean is their barrier to the south. Don't think about Phineas; just find Cosmin, and put an end to his evil.
This family's history comes to its end..."
Other than that, am looking forward to part 2- psychology in gaming has proven that second parts are so radical from the first because the environments are so different in order to keep the player interested: the first part was in a populated town, the second, a single family farmstead.
Heh, a largely rural and isolated setting will be a theme across (most) of the series - but I do try to change things up with various gimmicks to keep people interested. The mod series was based on a PNP campaign I've done in various forms of the years - and players do like a bit of variety, even if they also like consistency across an overarching theme. As for putting another journal entry in the father's diary - well - I would argue part of any cosmic horror setting - even one with heavy gothic influences - is trying to leave a few things somewhat mysterious
Yeah, one of the things I am aiming for is a wide range of skill/enemy/roleplaying challenges throughout each chapter of the series. Keeps me interested too, not just the players
As in your walkthrough, the mother's was interesting, the sister's was more scarier as they delve deeper into the story. She talks only in dreams of a merman, but the father could write actual experience inside the mausoleum as checking on his son everyday to notice change, like first seeing Renata at the end and then after picking up the key and heading back, she is halfway of her transformation until you meet her in the chamber.
For the second, I'd love if you use a set from Rogue Knight's latest Swordflight: https://neverwintervault.org/project/nwn1/module/swordflight-chapter-five It's the first I've seen of a house that's actually underwater. I believe it's his own hack, so he'd have to tell you where he got it or if he made it.
PC steps through a mirror and there is like a room with dead monsters as a background (not as objects to click on). I thought of you including that in part 2 as well.
Perhaps Proleric too can inform you about the hack.
For information, CEP 3 isn't necessarily newer or better than CEP 2.x . CEP is an open project with two forks, as the wiki explains.
Crown of Creation was made with CEP 2.x (plus a small custom hak, whose content is mostly in CEP 2.x anyway now). If you're interested, the Heart of Darkness is the area in question.
I'll keep that sort of thing in mind. I've played through some of Rogueknight's stuff - but I'm just waiting for swordflight chapter 6 to come out before finishing off his stuff. As you may have guessed, I do enjoy challenging modules.
Thanks again!
Just to clarify, the underwater house is Swordflight Ch. 5 was done using the so-called "tile magic" scripting commands (can be looked up on the NWN lexicon and probably other places). It is a scripted visual effect and does not use custom content. It was being done on a custom one in that particular case but theoretically could be used with any tileset.
I guess the man part allows him to find on land.