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SCS component - Mage and Priest HLA's as Innate abilities

barker262barker262 Member Posts: 83
I was reading through the Gibberlings Three forum for SCS and all the commenters seemed to be of the belief that the above SCS component allows selection of the same ability multiple times.

I just installed the component and in the readme it states: '...each can be cast once per day in addition to the character's normal spells. Each spell can only be taken once.'

I tested it by consoling my mage to 5 000 000xp, each ability could only be selected once, as the readme stated. Checked that it's the latest version (34). Then added another 3 000 000 on top, of course I ran out of options and was only able to select alchemy multiple times.. yay.

Does anyone have an idea how to obtain the component function as they experienced it?


  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,925
    To make a high-level ability selectable multiple times, you edit the HLA tables; LUMA0.2DA is the table for single-class mages (before any mod changes), for example. One of the columns is "NUM_ALLOWED", which is the number of times you're allowed to take that ability. Of course, since taking the spells multiple times isn't intended by the mod, it could be considered a cheat.
    (2DA files are human-readable text files; if there's already a copy in the override, all you need to work with them is a basic text editor.)

    It's possible some older version of SCS allowed the innate HLA spells to be taken multiple times each, but I doubt it. Simple inertia says its easier to have them only able to be taken once, since that's true of the original versions of the HLAs. All you have to do is not change those 2DA entries.
  • barker262barker262 Member Posts: 83
    No worries.
    It does make me wonder what the intention of the modder was, the forum commentators seemed pretty convinced of it's functionality.

  • Christian79Christian79 Member Posts: 48
    Intention of the modder was to not overdo it. If enabled it also applies to powerful enemies you face. Kangaxx is level 35. You can do the math.

    Apart from that I experienced this option to be buggy. I lost my Planetar ability somewhere throughout the game. Also, when used as innate ability, the level scaling gets messed up, because they use character level and not class level. Anomen, Imoen and Nalia suffer from that whereas Jan profits from it. Aerie is a mixed bag.
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