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Aerie romance/personality question

Hello, I have a question about Aerie dialogue chain and I hope someone can shed some light on it.

I remember playing BG2 long ago when it was still new(ish) and somehow remember getting into point with Aerie's dialogue where she turns sort of tougher version of herself and her voice lines changed too to reflect this. I remember how she would ask if you like how she is more tougher now and options were like "No, this is not how I wanted you to change" (which makes her turn back to old naive self) and "Yes, this is change I wanted to see" (which lets you keep the changed Aerie). If you select yes, I remember her remarking something like "I hope you prove to be worthy of *My* attention".

Do I remember this totally wrong or does this actually happen? I have tried searching this from the internet but I have found no answers and I kinda don't want to take her for my evil party if this change is not possible along the journey.


  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,453
    I’ve played the Aerie romance several times (including the first time I played the game way back when it was new), and often take her even when I’m not doing the romance. Which all proves nothing… Except to say I don’t recall that dialogue. Except to say, she does toughen up over the course of the game. I’m sure someone will chip in who can answer more authoritatively, but I believe her combat and selection lines reflect this. Something must trigger a change in scripts?
    And now I’m regretting saying pretty much nothing…
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,938
    The transition happens when Saradush falls. There's no specific dialogue associated with it, though the romance does comment on the sacking.
  • DangelMorbisDangelMorbis Member Posts: 3
    jmerry wrote: »
    The transition happens when Saradush falls. There's no specific dialogue associated with it, though the romance does comment on the sacking.

    As in, Aerie changes automatically or what do you mean by "no specific dialogue associated with it"?
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,938
    As in, she changes automatically.
  • DangelMorbisDangelMorbis Member Posts: 3
    Thank you for the help! :smile:
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