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No Interrupting music

nwfan87nwfan87 Member Posts: 101
What is the best way to have music playing in your area without there being any interrupt? Such as going from battle, day and night music.

Even though the same tracks are selected, they simply restart, Just looking to have it play one track.

Any solutions?


  • ProlericProleric Member Posts: 1,316
    edited June 2023
    Maybe I haven't quite understood, but since the music tracks are of finite length, with a distinct beginning and end, you will always hear the restart, even if you have it playing continuously with no gap.

    You'd have to make some custom music whose beginning and end matched perfectly to create the illusion of endless play (some of the game sounds are designed that way).

    I don't think there's any way to stop the music restarting on battle or day/night transition, either.
  • nwfan87nwfan87 Member Posts: 101
    @Proleric, I was trying to find a way to keep one track playing when there is a transition between day, night or battle music. You will know that even if you have the same track selected for Day, Night or Battle, any transition between the two in the game, will cause the current track to stop playing and then play the next track from the beginning, even if the same track is selected.

    I thought about using the music as a placed sound effect (the type that plays everywhere in an area), but seem to be getting trouble getting it to play.
  • ProlericProleric Member Posts: 1,316
    Sound object is probably the way to go - this might help:
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