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Using Vampire's Revenge as a healing source... it possible? I heard it is possible if you can get a wielder to a high enough CON (20-25) to regenerate (or use a potion of regeneration) so that this counteracts HP lost when hitting another NPC and healing the recipient...

...but the problem is: you are also rendered Beserk with each hit, so backing out of combat would require Remove Curse or Exaltation, making the healing very limited! Without these I would think that the wielder's HP lost would easily outweigh that gained by renegeration through high CON, and so the other only way I easily can see this process being viable is via a Regeneration Potion, but these are quite rare and/or expensive in BGEE.

Having said that, another way might be to use DUHM with a high CON which might make it possible, but only for a short while.

So my question is, has anyone been able to use the sword as a perpetual healing tool, given what I've suggested above regarding the beserk inducing curse, or is it just a myth, or a complicated process that isn't worth considering?
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