Ekandor Fight (Spoilers) Help me out here.

So I'm pretty sure I went into this fight way too early. There's an Ogre, two fighters, Ekandor, and some scrub wizard. I have me (Level 2 Swashbuckler), Imoen (Level 2 Thief), Khalid (Level 1 Fighter), Jaheira (Level 2/2 FIghter/Druid), Rassaad (Level 1 Monk), and Neera (Level 1 Wild Mage). I'm 90% sure those are the right levels. As far as equipment goes the PC is wearing +2 Leather Armor that I found just before the fight near the ranger's body. Khalid and Jaheira are in Platemail. Imoen is in Studded Leather. Neera has the Ring of Wizardry from the Friendly Arm Inn.
The fight usually consists of Ekandor casting Mirror Image, Stoneskin, and Fire Shield (Red) then slowly killing everyone with Magic Missle and Melf's Acid Arrow. I'm able to have Neera cast Blind on the other hostile mage, causing him to stand there doing nothing. Sleep sometimes works on the Ogre, but not the fighters. I haven't found a spell that can get through to Ekandor. In fact, he might be casting Minor Globe of Invulnerability. The fighters immediately go after Neera, while I have Khalid intercept the Ogre (typically resulting in his death). I send Jaheira and Rassad to intercept the fighters, but Rassad usually dies in two seconds anyway. For some reason he always eats a Melf's Acid Arrow and dies almost immediately. I pretty much can't kill anything before everyone in my party is dead.
Anyone have some suggestions or am I just going to have to leave and come back after Nashkel or something?
Also is Rassad always awful or does he get a little better after leveling?
The fight usually consists of Ekandor casting Mirror Image, Stoneskin, and Fire Shield (Red) then slowly killing everyone with Magic Missle and Melf's Acid Arrow. I'm able to have Neera cast Blind on the other hostile mage, causing him to stand there doing nothing. Sleep sometimes works on the Ogre, but not the fighters. I haven't found a spell that can get through to Ekandor. In fact, he might be casting Minor Globe of Invulnerability. The fighters immediately go after Neera, while I have Khalid intercept the Ogre (typically resulting in his death). I send Jaheira and Rassad to intercept the fighters, but Rassad usually dies in two seconds anyway. For some reason he always eats a Melf's Acid Arrow and dies almost immediately. I pretty much can't kill anything before everyone in my party is dead.
Anyone have some suggestions or am I just going to have to leave and come back after Nashkel or something?
Also is Rassad always awful or does he get a little better after leveling?