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Is there any override sound folder for BGEE ?

b413b413 Member Posts: 3

I use BGEE, steam version. We are in 2023.

I would like to ask a specific question about BIF package and modding. I'm still ready a lot of tutorial about modding and I understood this is not the best idea to create new BIF files.

Let's say I would like to create an audio speech of the first IMOEN dialog: "I'm surprised that stuffy ol' Gorion let you away from your studies and chores. That ol' fiddle faddle. I snuck off too. Old Puffguts Winthrop was looking for me, but I've got all day to do his chores. You have time for a story today? No, I can tell you don't. What have ya been up to?". And I create a IMOEN1.WAV file.

In Near Infinity I could add this new WAV file to the Imoen first dialog. I need to locate the dialog. Easy. It is in DLG / IMOEN.DLG / State 0 / Edit / Associated sound ... but... no because my new WAV file is not referenced in any BIF and in any key file. So my WAV is not listed in the list of available sound.

I understood, maybe I'm wrong, that there is an override folder in the game. There is a folder where I can drop the WAV file an make it available as a sound. Is it correct? Or do I have no choice I need to use a BIF.

Can you tell me? I have no problem to write a software if needed. I found the sound itself for speech is located in TLK file. I don't see any problem to update this tlk file.


  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,938
    edited June 2023
    The association is between sounds and strings; it's in dialog.tlk. If there's a sound associated, references to that string in dialogue or the like will play the sound.

    And my personal policy about making changes to dialog.tlk - the repository of every string in the game, which only has one copy per language and never appears in the override folder - is that I'll only ever do it through WeiDU operations such as SAY or RESOLVE_STR_REF.

    To quote the WeiDU documentation, in the section about the .D format used for dialogue:
    You may also indicate that a sound file (WAV/WAVC) should be associated with a given String by including its up-to-8-letter resource name in [brackets] after the string, as in:
    SAY ~Hello~ [HELLO]

    Near Infinity is capable of editing dialog.tlk, from the edit button on the Search -> StringRef panel. And it warns you to back the file up first when you click that button. If you're planning to edit through NI, I strongly recommend following that warning's advice. Breaking dialog.tlk will really break your game, to the point that only a full reinstall is likely to fix things.
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