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Jaheira the mentalist

Is it normal for Jaheira to uncontrollaby start whacking the party members when Neera joins up?
She was injured toward the end of a fight so I pulled her out and set her to heal herself, when the fight was over, and the dialog was finished she killed Neera and started on Imoen. I kept pausing and moving the party away from each other until things calmed down. I think she only stopped when I had Khalid loot Neera's corpse.

Is it safe to resurect Neera? Or will it start another bitch fight?


  • rdarkenrdarken Member Posts: 660
    Was she Confused, Charmed, or under any kind of mind spell?
  • SpangoNutsSpangoNuts Member Posts: 6
    No Icons on her portrait. Looking through the text there was no indication of losing control.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    edited November 2012
    Was the circle under her feet red or blue?

    EDIT: Another thought: did Neera cause a wild surge that hurt Khalid?
  • SpangoNutsSpangoNuts Member Posts: 6
    edited November 2012
    Her circle was yellow.
    Gone through the text again and there is nothing about a wild surge.
    Before the attack Neera said her line about getting her stuff, journal updated-Something wild, pause, unpaused, Jaheira attacks Neera.
    Guess it was just a bug. Will resurect her after I have had a belly full of curry and see what happens.

    Think it must have been Wild surge, no other reason makes sense.
    She was fine and dandy when resurected.
    Post edited by SpangoNuts on
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