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Flurry of blows with Other weapons

BarbaBarba Member Posts: 10
Hey fellas,
I found this comment on Reddit saying that "with recent Beamdog changes in 8193.31, any weapon can be set to work as a monk weapon in baseitems.2da".
So, is it possible to use it with a katana? This is just a matter of flavor.
How can I do that? (I am playing on a Mac).


  • TekidekTekidek Member Posts: 6
    You need to edit baseitems.2da and change the column IsMonkWeapon of the Katana line from **** to 1. Note that if you're dual-wielding you need to use two of the same weapons with flurry:
    "[...] and for dual weapons you'd need both hands to have one in to allow the bonuses (Eg; 2 Kamas, not 1 Kama and 1 Shortsword)."

    I don't know what version Mac is on, but you need to download an extracted .2da, edit it (with something like notepad++, as the default Windows notepad sucks) and then put it on /override. It's possible a module you're playing on has a different baseitems.2da in its hak, which will negate your changes. You'd need to edit that file inside the hak. I believe having your baseitems.2da in the /development folder, instead, would go on top of any hak anyway. Here's where you can download for the latest version, or look around the vault if you're on an older version:

    Remember that Katanas are not light weapons, so dual-wielding them would incur a penalty of -4/-4 instead of -2/-2 for Kamas. You change that changing the column WeaponSize from 3 to 2 or 1. If you'd like to make them finessable like Kamas, change the last column (WeaponFinesseMinimumCreatureSize) from **** to 2 (or 1 for smaller races).

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