Wild Surge mixups

I ran into a weird bug with Wild Surges, so I started savescumming and casting reckless dweomers to try to find as many as I could. Here are some:
Whenever Neera or my PC triggers a wild surge that targets everyone nearby with the spell cast, the console echoes "Wild Surge: Sex Change" instead. The output should match what actually happens, one way or the other.
This may have been an intentional change, but "Wild Surge: Gems!" doesn't actually create gems after the first time it happens. It should create a number of random gems in the caster's or target's inventory, but it doesn't do anything at all.
The "Spell cast and I feel refreshed" wild surge doesn't actually refresh the caster. It should restore their spells (and some hitpoints, I think?)
"Wild Surge: Roll Twice More" doesn't do anything at all. It should... well, roll twice more and output two more Wild Surges.
"Wild Surge: Held" actually works sometimes, but other times it cast the spells twice. Again, what happens should match the console output--I assume that one of the Held surges works and the other doesn't.
Finally, a very strange effect just occurred. Neera cast Protection of Evil through a wild surge on my PC, and got: "Neera- Wild Surge: Polymorphed". This instantly killed her, the very next line being "Neera- Death". Moreover, it chunked her completely, making her impossible to resurrect. I don't even know what the intended behavior here is supposed to be.
Whenever Neera or my PC triggers a wild surge that targets everyone nearby with the spell cast, the console echoes "Wild Surge: Sex Change" instead. The output should match what actually happens, one way or the other.
This may have been an intentional change, but "Wild Surge: Gems!" doesn't actually create gems after the first time it happens. It should create a number of random gems in the caster's or target's inventory, but it doesn't do anything at all.
The "Spell cast and I feel refreshed" wild surge doesn't actually refresh the caster. It should restore their spells (and some hitpoints, I think?)
"Wild Surge: Roll Twice More" doesn't do anything at all. It should... well, roll twice more and output two more Wild Surges.
"Wild Surge: Held" actually works sometimes, but other times it cast the spells twice. Again, what happens should match the console output--I assume that one of the Held surges works and the other doesn't.
Finally, a very strange effect just occurred. Neera cast Protection of Evil through a wild surge on my PC, and got: "Neera- Wild Surge: Polymorphed". This instantly killed her, the very next line being "Neera- Death". Moreover, it chunked her completely, making her impossible to resurrect. I don't even know what the intended behavior here is supposed to be.
But NOT everytime!
Please confirm is it a bug or rebalance?
I have screenshots from both cases.
Gems not appearing or sex change not happening (or the text appearing just too many times) is definitely a bug.
Posted in bug tracker.
That said, I've noticed that a bunch of the surges aren't doing anything.. with another having a vastly different effect than what it said it should be.
I'm not sure if it's effect 7 or 85 (caster/target sex changed, respectively).. but she did get a sex change surge. What happened instead was a weird effect. It was as if she had cast the spell confusion in terms of spell effects, and the effect 'chained' off the original target and hit others in the area. Instead of changing sex, it did minor damage to everyone who failed a save.
Effect 72 (Flesh to Stone on target) did nothing. The target could have perhaps made a save (maybe), I dunno.. seems unlikely at that low a level (2-ish), but perhaps possible?
Effect 73 (Spell fired. Caster also recuperated as if rested) didn't seem to do anything. It may have recuperated Neera, but she was already at full hp when casting so I didn't readily notice a change. However, the spell didn't go off as advertised. This could have been effect 49 (Caster recuperates as if he rested), but I do remember the surge specifying that the spell should have went off.
Effect 99 (Spell cast at double level) also did nothing. The spell didn't fire at all.
Gems on the target
Fireball on self or target
Explosion on self
Random spell cast
Caster level fluctuation
Expected behaviour: Wild surges do what they say.
Effect 15 (Caster hasted)
Effect 27.. or perhaps 84 (Silence 15'.. either centered on caster or target, I don't readily recall)
Effect 28 (Caster dizzy)
Effect 30 (Pretty sparkles! ...No other effect)
The Goodberries and Gems one went off as well, but those were in fights that I ended up reloading due to a death.. so I didn't check the inventory to see if anything was placed into it.
Edit: I have also experienced a wild surge while using innate bhaalspawn abilities such as cure light wounds, or larloch's minor drain. Pretty sure they shouldn't surge.
whenever I use Neera's Reckless Dweomer, a wild surge happens, but the description does not seem to match the effect at all. I'll get something like "Monsters summoned" but instead I see a Globe of Invulnerability-type effect appear on both Neera and my target (Bassilus in this case). Another time I got "Sex change" but no one's sex actually changed (I think instead I ended up killing Rasaad somehow).